
signed up last night at the clissold leisure centre in stokey

long queue, packed with seasonal detox bores, whereas a tiny number of us were there for real reasons

induction later. Which I don't need (all this stuff is self-explanatory no?) but apparently it is mandatory

trully dreading the whole thing, such a waste of time/money when you could be doing something more constructive at the pub, but apparently it's the key to being more positive... :rolleyes:
go one - define why your not a seasonal detox bore - having joined first week of jan & announced it on line ;):lol:

unfortunate timing, coincidence, chance er etc etc. It HAS been on the agenda for ages. it was only when I saw the size of the queue that I thought oh christ all the local SDBs out in force.

I talk about anything on the internet. I find it cathartic.