Guestlist/ Free Entry Question

great first post! hope you come back to share with us regular people how you get on!

couldnt the famous dudes do some phonecalls?
...we're tired of paying hundreds of euros a week on going out like the regular tourists.
we feel like we're part of the island and frankly,
shouldn't have to pay...

... i share your feelings :twisted: :lol:
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Guest List

If you have a well know person that you are with then free guest list shouldnt be a problem. We arranged it for several clubs this week.
Try contacting the management for the DJ or call the club directly.
i've tried pacha and space website for contact info, but there is not direct number, just an email address, and a comment form. would you know?
quite frankly...........if you need to ask in this way, you don't deserve to get guestlist.
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Frankly I'm surprised you haven't made any "contacts" if you live on the island. It's not too hard. Hang around the right bars, talk to a few people and you'll make some links.
Guestlist and club cards for Ibiza workers, are usually for flyerers and club workers... who get paid a pittance and couldn't normally afford to pay into a club... they're the ones putting the effort into the club scene.

Good luck to you both!
Not sure if anyone would know here..but worth a shot...

my co worker and i live and work (fashion industry) in ibiza for the entire summer, spending the rest in ny and london. we work for a couple of really famous dudes and we're tired of paying hundreds of euros a week on going out like the regular tourists. we feel like we're part of the island and frankly, shouldn't have to pay, as we in one way or another promote ibiza and the clubs to our friends around the world... so my question..

who do i have to get to so i can name drop?

Can i just say, that A) do you think that any of us give a f*** whether you work in the fashion industry or not?! and B) we also do not care whether you spend the rest of your time in NY or London, dahhhhling.
If anything, its a bad thing, as you're probably one of those preening hed kandi types that are too kool to dance. Do one.

Personally, to me you sound like the kind of person that shouldnt be allowed anywhere near any club or bar.
You obviously dont know the right people, and they probably dont want to know you.

I go to Ibiza twice a year, and i have no problems getting the entries and passes you're looking for, and to be honest, if you are there all summer, then the people you need to know obviously think you're a bit of a fool, otherwise you'd have worked it out by now.

deary me....
sorry. i only deal with the management companies. cant put those numbers on here.
you could buy one of those cards which gets u in for free or for half price as many times as u want?
toms, 'dahhhling', you've got it all wrong. it's fair to assume that san antonio is your stomping ground?

don't be such a ****.
everyone wants something for nothing these days.
If you're into the scene and deserve the perks that go with it, then you'll know who to contact.....
Otherwise, it's just another attempt at a blag !
everyone wants something for nothing these days.
If you're into the scene and deserve the perks that go with it, then you'll know who to contact.....
Otherwise, it's just another attempt at a blag !

this is what i was trying to say (but failing) earlier..........:confused: ;)
i was a bit more subtle i think. anyway, im gonna try more blags. getting something for nothing is great, ESPECIALLY in Ibiza. It was 'we' the trendy fashionistas vs 'you' the regular tourists bit that amused me the most :lol:
Can i just say, that A) do you think that any of us give a f*** whether you work in the fashion industry or not?! and B) we also do not care whether you spend the rest of your time in NY or London, dahhhhling.
If anything, its a bad thing, as you're probably one of those preening hed kandi types that are too kool to dance. Do one.

Personally, to me you sound like the kind of person that shouldnt be allowed anywhere near any club or bar.
You obviously dont know the right people, and they probably dont want to know you.

I go to Ibiza twice a year, and i have no problems getting the entries and passes you're looking for, and to be honest, if you are there all summer, then the people you need to know obviously think you're a bit of a fool, otherwise you'd have worked it out by now.

deary me....

toms, 'dahhhling', you've got it all wrong. it's fair to assume that san antonio is your stomping ground?

don't be such a ****.

Well done, you've just added to your pompous image there...

Care to tell us whats wrong with bar M, mambo, cafe del mar, etc etc?

Or are you still stuck in es vive, desperately trying to shag the DJ's mate of a mate in a vain attempt to get in.

You sad little wannabe

but, i spose you do work in the 'fashion industry'.
That bit made me laugh out loud. Out loud i tell you.

Once again, if you've been there all summer as you claim, you'd have worked out who to speak to, to gain free entry to clubs etc.

Personally, i reckon you think you're too far above other people to speak to them as you sound, like a complete and utter fool.

Good luck though, youve managed 4 and a half months in Ibiza, and have 3 weeks left, and STILL are trying to find out from people on a message board where you can get free tickets!!
its a classic!!!

go to pacha london for ****s sake, there's lots of your type in there.
give head and im sure you'll make it, im sure that how it works for you in the fashion industry?


Who else reckons this Rizoa583 is talking absulte bollocks!?
Fashion industry... course you are luv.
If you work in the fashion industry wear a Kiss T-Shirt and find a guy called Buckley. I am sure he can help you out ;) :lol:
toms, i just spent 20 minutes of my life on your sorry ass, defending myself... before realizing you were bringing me back to the days of arguing with assholes on message boards in the 7th grade, when i had nothing better to do...

to you i say, get a f*ucking life 'luv'

i'm done here..i'll look for buckley