Grey hair?

29 years old - greying and receding hair, greying and ginger (despite none anywhere else) beard. God hates me!
At least my receding didn't start until 35 and my greying a couple of years later :confused:

I can still cut the handful of grays that show up in the beard. I suppose that won't last long :cry:
My children earn 5p per grey hair they remove from my bonce.

Worth considering, Emma. Get yourself in the family way and your grey hair problems will be sorted....:D
Looking more and more like Philip Schofield every day here.

Will soon be working the silver fox look. 8)
my grandmother and her 3 sisters had full on grey hair in their 20s it hasnt happened for me yet or at least my hairdresser doesnt think so I could tell as I dye my hair every 4 weeks i'd never be able to tell!

Men, grey hair is HOT:)