Great music = Sausage fest?

No there is no disputing there is some completely stunning ladies in ibiza and alot of them are into there quality music you only have to go to dc10, amnesia, space etc to see them but does anyone else feel at those clubs on certain nights that the ratio is more male dominated. I mean you get some gorgeous looking birds at amnesia for cocoon but there must be a ratio of males to females of about 5:1. Does the females prefer music with vocals? such as the more commercial stuff as pacha always seems rammed full of women. I know Luciano plays underground music buts its very deep and sexy with quite alot of vocals hence why there always appears to be alot of woman at his nights as maybe opposed to dc10?
Don't mean to be rude, but you are stating the obvious. You have always had more men at mimimal/tech house / techno nights. But the women that are there are proper party girls. Most women like the safety of Pacha wearing the same clothes they wear at home listening to some nice safe house music e.g. Guetta, Defected, Hed Kandi etc....
I thought the reason I never got laid in Ibiza was because I was ugly and ginger. It is a big relief to find out it is just because I am more into minimal and techno :)
Excluding the time I went with my (then) wife in 2002 the last time I got laid in Ibiza was in 1995 (despite going 15 times since then). Is that some kind of record?
Who give a f*ck. I go to Ibiza to listen to quality music and to have a good time, not to join a queue of guys all waiting to try it on with the same bird.

Girls - Don't try to get a drink off me in Ibiza. I know your game, you can buy me one.

*Of course if you really do want to shag some drunken overweight chav mess, there is always the west end. Enjoy your chlamydia though.
Is this going to be another of the perpetual Spotlight threads where someone admits that *shock horror* it'd nice to get laid on holiday, and some posters shoot them down?

Frankly, all holidays are good for single folks to get it on, inhibitions are relaxed and good times are rolling. Now, why on earth wouldn't that be more the case some where inhibitions are more relaxed and the times are better still? Unless you are ugly and ginger?*

*Uglies and gingers singled out for comedy purposes only. No uglies or gingers were injured in the posting of this post.
I'm simply saying that I would rather go on holiday with the lads and have a good time rather than spending every night on the crawl for females like some lads do. 9 times out 10 getting nowhere. If if happens, it happens but I don't go actively looking to get my nob wet. I can do that any time at home. Holiday is 2 weeks off to relax and enjoy the music and drink.
Is this going to be another of the perpetual Spotlight threads where someone admits that *shock horror* it'd nice to get laid on holiday, and some posters shoot them down?

Frankly, all holidays are good for single folks to get it on, inhibitions are relaxed and good times are rolling. Now, why on earth wouldn't that be more the case some where inhibitions are more relaxed and the times are better still? Unless you are ugly and ginger?*

*Uglies and gingers singled out for comedy purposes only. No uglies or gingers were injured in the posting of this post.

It hurt my feelings, and feelings matter.
It hurt my feelings, and feelings matter.

Sorry my strawberry blonde friend and as you know that often seems to be the hardest word, so I don't say it lightly. Well I might say it lightly, it's not the sort of thing you shout really, is it? Unless you were, for say, stood next to some massive speakers or another significant sound source.
I'm simply saying that I would rather go on holiday with the lads and have a good time rather than spending every night on the crawl for females like some lads do. 9 times out 10 getting nowhere. If if happens, it happens but I don't go actively looking to get my nob wet. I can do that any time at home. Holiday is 2 weeks off to relax and enjoy the music and drink.

Couldn't agree more and add on to the last sentence music, drink and pop 1 or 2 8)
Girls - Don't try to get a drink off me in Ibiza. I know your game, you can buy me one.

Have to admit I'd second this - obvious exceptional situations aside (ahem..) have always been bought drinks by girls I've had a holiday fling with in Ibiza. But I never try to pick up in bars or clubs - seem to always meet elsewhere and go out together later. Only 1 trip I can remember in last 5 years when didn't hook up randomly with nice girls in Ibiza, and was never actively looking at the time.

Best deal yet - fair's fair - I get the club entrance, they get the drinks for the night... it was Pacha on FMIF night :lol: Mine's a Red Bull & Vodka please ! (PS - yes, spent the whole night away from the main room .. my god Guetta was bad .. but loved the lollies from the table in the bathroom !)..
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I am a female.
I love banging techno.
I loathe vocals.
I'm there for the music and not to get it on with anyone, so could care less whether it's a sausage fest as long as no one is putting their sausage anywhere near me!
I am a female.
I love banging techno.
I loathe vocals.
I'm there for the music and not to get it on with anyone, so could care less whether it's a sausage fest as long as no one is putting their sausage anywhere near me!

snap, there is nothing worse than being chatted up while your trying to rave hard :lol:
I am a female.
I love banging techno.
I loathe vocals.
I'm there for the music and not to get it on with anyone, so could care less whether it's a sausage fest as long as no one is putting their sausage anywhere near me!

LMAO. agreed. not interested in men, home or away but I prefer clubs where i dont continously have to keep pointing out that "yes i am married and by the way...thats my wife over there... and yes I am completely sure that I don't like boys/men":)
im with most others on this i dont try pull at all when im away id rather be raving away in a world of my own.
im with most others on this i dont try pull at all when im away id rather be raving away in a world of my own.

But you tend to meet strangers in that situation, no? And if you happen to hit it off with someone attractive, it's all good, surely?

I don't get the puritanism we get here sometimes. Nobody wants to be bothered by lads on the pull while they're enjoying a club night etc, but the feverish 'you've dared to sully the spirit of the experience by hoping to meet someone nice' response that threads like this get baffles me!
3 years ago at SPACE... my wife 1 meter away from me... ugly men "Hey do you want a kiss"... "nope that one over there is my man"... "he is not looking... so what's your problem?"

Sometimes I'm just wondering what is wrong with such guys...