Got 5 hours in Madrid, what to do?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Me and some friends are heading down to Ibiza this upcoming tuesday. The boring thing is that we're stuck in Madrid from noon. But it shouldn't really be that bad should it?

I've searched some and it only takes 20-25 minutes to get somewhat central in town.

Anyone got some ideas what to do? I was thinking visiting a park, maybe eat a nice lunch or visit a museum. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
1. hail a taxi
2. get him to take you to the santiago bernabeu
4. run for your lives.

you might just have enough time to get back to the airport in time.

Either way, massive adrenalin rush guaranteed.
take a cab to "el retiro", which is a nice green park in the middle of town and have lunch there. else, tell your taxi driver to take you to "la latina" which is an area full of nice restaurants and bars (normally more for nighttime but i think the restaurants are also open for lunch).
I'd just take the subway downtown to the Puerto del Sol area. Have a walk around, get some lunch.
Leave about 45 minutes travel each way.
id go to my uncles tapas bar & drink free cerveza's in LA LATINA......8)
then id head to CHUECA & check out all the groovy bars, clothes shops etc.....

have fun... !!

madrid's pretty schweeett....:twisted:
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Sorry but I'm not that sure that "it only takes 20-25 minutes" to get to the center.
Terminal 4 (the very new one) is really away from the airport itself, it needs about 40 minutes by car to get there. Just make sure you have time.

I would hit the center (Sol, Latina or Chueca) to sit in a terrace and have some cañas and tapas.
Thanx for all the replies!

Silvia, I've checked and we're passing through Terminal 2. That's a little bit closer yes?
My friend got some nice comments in the Ibiza Global Radio chat about El Retiro so it seems we're heading that way tomorrow. :)

Anyone knows how long and expensive a cab ride to there would be? Also is there any risk of getting stuck in traffic on the way back around 3-4 pm?

Again, muchos gracias a todos
I'll say it again... take the metro!
It's clean, efficient, cheaper than a taxi, and no traffic worries.
strolling from you arrival gate to your departure gate will probably take up about 3 hours
Oh, one more piece of advice: check in (and check your luggage) before you leave the airport.

That way, all you have to do when you get back is go straight to the gate.
strolling from you arrival gate to your departure gate will probably take up about 3 hours

Agreed, this is Spain, this is high season, this is everyone running away from Madrid hell's.

You have 5 hours but discount arrival, check out, check in and getting into madrid probably it takes you a couple or three hours. I don't see the point of getting into the city, having a quick beer and getting back to the airport, where, by the way, there's the joys of air con (madrid it's extremly hot)
I disagree.. I've flown through Madrid to Ibiza several times and have always gone downtown on long layovers.

It takes about 30 mins to get your bags, another 15 to check in, and maximum 1:30 round trip to the center on the metro (it's actually quicker... but I always budget 45 mins).

On a 5-hour layover, that leaves at least 2 hours for a nice stroll around town and a bite to eat. Certainly better than sitting in the airport all that time!
I disagree.. I've flown through Madrid to Ibiza several times and have always gone downtown on long layovers.

It takes about 30 mins to get your bags, another 15 to check in, and maximum 1:30 round trip to the center on the metro (it's actually quicker... but I always budget 45 mins).

On a 5-hour layover, that leaves at least 2 hours for a nice stroll around town and a bite to eat. Certainly better than sitting in the airport all that time!

Well, each to their own, I would never hit madrid in the middle of july just for a beer or two. FOR ME, in MY OPINION, it's not worth it.
Well, each to their own, I would never hit madrid in the middle of july just for a beer or two. FOR ME, in MY OPINION, it's not worth it.
We're all only giving our OPINIONS here, Sil ;)

I like Madrid in the summer... for one thing, it's less crowded (probably because most Spaniards seem to hate Madrid in summer :lol: I even remember my high school Spanish teacher telling me about that!)
We're all only giving our OPINIONS here, Sil ;)

I like Madrid in the summer... for one thing, it's less crowded (probably because most Spaniards seem to hate Madrid in summer :lol: I even remember my high school Spanish teacher telling me about that!)

Apologise for the intensity of my opinions :oops: ;)

Come to Barcelona in August if you want to see a phantome city: from Gran Via to the see packed of tourists and guiris. From Gran Via to the hills, empty and most places closed... I remember three years ago spending 45 minutes on the car trying to find a decent restaurant open :roll:
Hey again,

Writing you guys from Formentera. Staying until Saturday then one week Ibiza mayhem :D

This is how it all went. Spanair was on time so we hopped a cab at the airport. 15 minutes later we entered the Retiro. The cab driver was extremely sympathetic and it went really smooth.

Happy as we were we bought two twigs of a nearby tree for 4 euros from a gypsy lady.

The park was very nice and we hung out there for 3 hours, eating a light lunch and had a few beers before heading back with an equally nice driver. I think the cab drivers in Ibiza has something to learn form these guys. Either that or we were very lucky.

This little excursion really made this stop baerable since Bajaras is not my favorite airport.

Thanx once more!

P.s. if anyone want to meet up for a drink or maybe hang in our villa just send me a pm, we don't bite :twisted: d.s.