Google street view camera car.


Active Member
Big brother realy is among us !! I spotted a car with one of these on it's roof today, driving in our town. Apparently Google maps will soon have 3d images of most streets and areas in the (civilised) world. Alot of america has already been done. 8O


Cool if you want to check something out i suppose, but then again it does seem rather intrusive to a degree. What do you think ?? :?
They got in trouble in some cases in the States where they actually drove up private roads and photographed people's property.

It is very big-brotherish. Although I am looking forward to seeing what your house looks like, Liam :lol:
These cameras are ridiculous... so what if they capture a crime on camera, someone still got robbed, mugged raped, murdered ... it was just caught on tape that's all. Doesn't change the fact that something awful happened to someone.
One of these came along side me in the summer....i was in the middle of nowhere, running along a canal tow-path on the Oxford canal.

No idea why they were mapping there!
love those pictures

Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia already have this. Not sure when it'll go ahead in the UK
love those pictures

Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia already have this. Not sure when it'll go ahead in the UK

I'd like to see Ibiza on there, although maybe not a good idea for them to start mapping in August-

I bet you'd see some sights googling through the west end! :lol:
If you have a look at Ibiza on google earth, It has had the resolution updated, I can tell I was parked down at a mates in San An when it was taken. Scary !8O

Have a good one