Girlie Shoe Thread

did you say you wanted ankle support? (blatent copy of the above boots post of sirens but I really love these)

zarbtron said:
did you say you wanted ankle support? (blatent copy of the above boots post of sirens but I really love these)


I've already accidentally bought 4 pairs of boots for winter so I NEED shoes now, no more boots :lol:
Barbie said:
Yep that is the kind of thing I've got in my head, gold star for Miss Boo :D :lol:

Where are they from?? I feel like a shoe shopping expedition after work tonight :lol:

They're by Marc Jacobs and cost £200 :eek: so unless you really want to splash our you're probably better trawling round Topshop for a cheap imitation :lol:
Beckiboo said:
They're by Marc Jacobs and cost £200 :eek: so unless you really want to splash our you're probably better trawling round Topshop for a cheap imitation :lol:

Good plan :lol: ;) I might toddle off to Oxford Circus after work cos I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I get these shoes :lol:
zarbtron said:
omg they make Uggs for elephants!


(who seriously has feet that would fit these?)

Maybe they're for people who have had to have their feet amputated - it's a niche market Ugg boots for amputees :lol:

Disclaimer - Obviously it isn't funny if you have your feet amputated but it's nice to see that Ugg have catered for these people if they choose to be Ugg wearers.

(Don't want to get banned again :eek: )
Barbie said:
Maybe they're for people who have had to have their feet amputated - it's a niche market Ugg boots for amputees :lol:

Disclaimer - Obviously it isn't funny if you have your feet amputated but it's nice to see that Ugg have catered for these people if they choose to be Ugg wearers.

(Don't want to get banned again :eek: )

I might invest in the feet amputee market - it sounds like it's growing if Ugg has identified it as a niche!

(I just worked out they're for babies :oops: :lol: )
zarbtron said:
I might invest in the feet amputee market - it sounds like it's growing if Ugg has identified it as a niche!

If I was a foot amputee I would definitely still want to wear shoes and boots :lol:

zarbtron said:
(I just worked out they're for babies :oops: :lol: )

Are they really :confused: So babies have stumpy amputee feet :twisted:
zarbtron said:
how are they going to wear all the heels I had envisioned my baby in? :confused:

If it has stumpy deformed feet then you can just throw it out the window, we've never had a problem getting rid of babies in the past have we :lol:
Barbie said:
If it has stumpy deformed feet then you can just throw it out the window, we've never had a problem getting rid of babies in the past have we :lol:

That's true - god, can you imagine, a stumpy footed baby? I feel a bit sick actually and I've gone off babies. Next you'll be telling me their heads are oversized or something like a weird deformed small human being :eek:
I'm a bit of an ebay addict and you can always nab a bargain on there. I had a quick look for you - item number 280015113067 might be worth a try, but I guess it depends on your size!
Discochick said:
I'm a bit of an ebay addict and you can always nab a bargain on there. I had a quick look for you - item number 280015113067 might be worth a try, but I guess it depends on your size!

Thankyouuuu they are fab - a winter pink :)oops: :lol: ) and a heel that shouldn't cause too many accidents - unfortunately I'm a stupid size 6 and they're 5 :evil:
We're not obsessed. We just know what we like! Anyway, back to the important subject of shoes. Had another scout around ebay and came up with two possibilities in size 6, though they're a bit strappy and you seem to suggest that you're accident prone so may fall out of them??!! Check out 150016115244 and 230002598368. Happy hunting!!:)
Discochick said:
We're not obsessed. We just know what we like! Anyway, back to the important subject of shoes. Had another scout around ebay and came up with two possibilities in size 6, though they're a bit strappy and you seem to suggest that you're accident prone so may fall out of them??!! Check out 150016115244 and 230002598368. Happy hunting!!:)

Thankyou I'll check them this evening - my stupid work bans lots of sites including ebay :rolleyes: It's like having my own personal shopper :lol: ;)
Your work bans lots of sites, but allows this one??!! Well, at least it lets you look at important things!!! Like keeping topped up on Ibiza gossip! I only went for the first time two weeks ago and I absolutely LOVED it. But then, I can't imagine anyone going and not loving it! :D
Discochick said:
Your work bans lots of sites, but allows this one??!! Well, at least it lets you look at important things!!! Like keeping topped up on Ibiza gossip! I only went for the first time two weeks ago and I absolutely LOVED it. But then, I can't imagine anyone going and not loving it! :D

If they ban this site I'm leaving :lol:

Glad you enjoyed your first time, I've been every year for the last 10 years and still love it as much as ever :D Are you already planning next years trip ;)
I'm jealous as hell! Don't know WHY I didn't go sooner - apart from the whole Uni, get a job, get married at 22 and settle down thing! Not really an excuse! Plus my friends aren't really into the whole clubbing thing so I don't get out much! Sniff, sniff. Anyway, I'm now determined to convert them all and yes, have spent the last three days on the Internet researching next year's trip. And searching for shoes for you!!! Wish I could go again this year, but alas, work and husband. Boo, hiss. :cry: