General Thoughts and Advice Needed Rapido - Greece Trip


Well-Known Member
I know its an Ibiza forum (see below*)but I could do with some level headed advice on my up and coming 10 night trip to Mykonos in 3 weeks time due to the cash/euro situation in Greece.

I wasn't generally bothered about things till the missus started to put doubt in my mind.

The advice at the moment is to take cash and don't rely on cards for anything. We are going self catering so you can imagine that its a fair old wedge to be taking over there for a family of 4 (my two girls consume as much as adults these days). So, our general worries are (this has spiralled out of proportion with the missus now) -

What if our cash gets stolen? (I have emailed the accommodation to ask if they have safes in room but no reply from them, the accom provider has too)
Will general crime increase as a result of cash shortage?
Will we get stuck out there as the planes cannot refuel?
Can we fill up our hire car with fuel?
What if its just generally sh1t?

The bottom line is that I have the ability to cancel everything apart from flights up to Tuesday evening. Our flights were a bargain so we only stand to lose about £450 for 4 return flights. We would have around 3k to book a new holiday inc spends for 4 (this would be a 7 nighter probably). I have checked Ibiza* and there are some "okay" deals with it being school hols, but nothing is standing out as good. All the best accommodation on Ibiza appears to be taken and I can't be arsed looking at anywhere else in Europe.

The accom in Mykonos we have booked is a really good price, the flights were really good price and so was my car hire. But....I wish now that I had booked Ibiza, but we just wanted a change!

Sorry for long post, I may have missed out some things too.
Don't think anyone can say for sure how the Greek situation will develop, but I'm not sure I'd risk it. You're also talking about food and medicine shortages out there right now.
I got an email from Caxton saying that my card wasn't restricted to the 60 Euro a day withdrawal limit that a Greek national is and that i could still withdraw up to 400 Euros a day. I'm not sure what UK banks and credit cards are doing about the daily limit but i assume it's the same as Caxton. The only problem i suppose is if you can't find an ATM with money in it
I am living in Greece.

Don't worry, you will be fine in Mykonos. At the moment i haven't heard of any food, medicine or fuel shortages anywhere.

It won't be shit, Mykonos especially in the summer is like being at another country. Do carry cash though as no one knows what will happen with the banks. We will know more about this on Monday after the referendum.

If you have any more questions, shoot!
I got an email from Caxton saying that my card wasn't restricted to the 60 Euro a day withdrawal limit that a Greek national is and that i could still withdraw up to 400 Euros a day. I'm not sure what UK banks and credit cards are doing about the daily limit but i assume it's the same as Caxton. The only problem i suppose is if you can't find an ATM with money in it

Yeah, thats the issue. Ive got plenty of card options, but if there is no cash?

Its the first time in about 20 years that I will be taking all my cash with me and not using an ATM. My old bank never used to charge a fee, only a straight (and good) exchange.
Don't think anyone can say for sure how the Greek situation will develop, but I'm not sure I'd risk it. You're also talking about food and medicine shortages out there right now.

I know John, this is just the problem. We have to consider our daughters too. I'm generally risk averse which isn't helping.
I am living in Greece.

Don't worry, you will be fine in Mykonos. At the moment i haven't heard of any food, medicine or fuel shortages anywhere.

It won't be shit, Mykonos especially in the summer is like being at another country. Do carry cash though as no one knows what will happen with the banks. We will know more about this on Monday after the referendum.

If you have any more questions, shoot!

Cheers dancemaster. I know the Greeks love their guests and we had a fantastic time with the family last year in Crete. Ive got no doubts about the hospitality, just can't be worrying about stuff on holiday, its counterproductive.

Its the first time in a while that we have done 10 nights, plus a car and not going AI makes a change. In fact, I can't see us doing AI ever again, it was handy when the girls were younger. But the downside is that I will have to budget for about 200 euros a day, thats a fair old wad to be running about with.
Just go. It'll pan out. Does your apt have a safe deposit box to use / rent ?

Thats what my heart saying. But you know me, I'm a bit of a worrier.

I think dance master is right to wait till Monday and see what the vote outcome is.

I can't get a yes/no from the accommodation about a safe.

(can someone show me how to multi quote btw:oops:?)
Yeah, thats the issue. Ive got plenty of card options, but if there is no cash?

Its the first time in about 20 years that I will be taking all my cash with me and not using an ATM. My old bank never used to charge a fee, only a straight (and good) exchange.

You should still be able to use debit cards for most things like meals and a couple of supermarket shops. You should surely get away with only taking a few hundred Euros in cash and using it sparingly and sticking most things on the cards
Use your chuckies about stashing the cash - waitrose resealable placcy bags and something to shovel with in the hand luggage. If the hotel doesn't have a safe deposit then resort to old skool tactics and stash some cash outside the hotel when no-one is watching with markers. They'll all be too caught up in their own shizzle to be one step ahead of you and just remember where you stashed it. An upbringing in the 3rd world with constant threat of civil unrest and the need for an exit plan is hard to shift and not many places are off limits whatever the challenges ;) - you'll be the one with the readies to get out or fund a super-discounted private boat charter when everyone else is panicking. Enjoy monsieur - don't be put off by media frenzy - just take a few more precautions and crack on with the trip :cool:.
sorry that this is isn't much help to the questions/dilemma being posed - but does anybody else think it's mildly scandalous people being advised "just take plenty of cash with you"

Terrible, terrible advice. I guarantee hundred of holidays makers insurance will not cover them if something bad happens.
I'd take the hit and forget it. Too risky right now. real prospect of chaos ahead - some of the economists forecasts i've been reading sound apocalyptic. Say the money runs out and local businesses desperately need the money. You're looking at huge inflationary pressures in all the tourist centres as people desperately try and milk foreign visitors. They could effectively start charging you anything...
Personally I wouldn't want to be on holiday in constant fear something might happen. Holidays with the family are for relaxing.
friend just spent 10 days at mykonos. said they wanted CASH everywhere. no creditcards !
no way i would go to greece these days ...