General Pleasures

Newest one for me relaxing - just doing nothing. Never been good at it, prolly used to drink too much over the years to nullify my nervous energy/general impatience, but now I can sit on a sofa and chill.8)
Sex is abit obvious but receiving a really good blowjob is 2nd to none

A really good steak (rare)

Hear hear!

Although I've discovered I'm more medium-rare. I like that point where the blood is just being released. Rare (on the continent at least) seems to mean practically raw inside.

Another simple food that is so good when got just right is pizza. There's some serious magic with the right base and the right ratio of cheese/tomato/herbs. 8)
the other thread just jogged my memory ,

The Mearkat adverts - I think they're brilliant , technically and conceptually

Hearing 'Mouth to Mouth' by Audion on a massive soundsystem

Hungover days boozing round east london in various pubs and strip joints

Crap telly - Come Dine With Me & Only Way Is Essex are brilliantly rubbish

*couldnt think of another word than brilliant
the other thread just jogged my memory ,

The Mearkat adverts - I think they're brilliant , technically and conceptually

Hearing 'Mouth to Mouth' by Audion on a massive soundsystem

Hungover days boozing round east london in various pubs and strip joints

Crap telly - Come Dine With Me & Only Way Is Essex are brilliantly rubbish

*couldnt think of another word than brilliant

its a marmite record that one i think....
Mrs Jam
Mini Jam I
Mini Jam II
Good friends
Good food
The Internet - Honestly how many of us could REALLY live without it?
I dont really ike adverts as they are mainly the devil's spawn and I have to make the damn things! Those ones on the other hand are superb imho.
A good, hefty weekend paper - The Guardian/The Observer mainly - although not just so special now you can get most of it online.
Friends & family
Laughter - Im a big giggler
Seeing the sun glistening on the sea as I walk to the station in the morning, perks me right up
A random crazy night with work colleagues, lots of random sayings & laughing the next day
Sunny weekends where you can just go with the flow and see where you end up

Sure there are lots more :lol:
Loads of things make me smile/happy...

my missus
Goodison Park when it is 'going off'
When the night you have promoted and slaved over goes really well and you see evryone enjoying themselves
new clothes
discovering new music
and strangely for me, at the moment - my garden!
A cracking night out with brilliant mates.
A venti Starbucks caramel macchiato with an extra shot after said night out.
Rediscovering awesome tracks I havent listened to for ages and remembering why I love them so much.
Burger king.
having an affair - that initial thrill before the reality hits

To be entirely honest, in your twenties, there's nothing like illicit sex. Promiscuity and infidelity, if you do it enough to not have time to think about to much can be pretty thrilling.

Couldn't think of anything worse now, got far too much too lose and wouldn't be able to live with myself, but at the time:twisted:
Another one of mine - very simple but one day a week I take a late lunch break, go to Starbucks/Costa with a good book or magazine - completely switch off and chill out

Makes me so relaxed going back to the office

Nothing like a good chill 8)
To be entirely honest, in your twenties, there's nothing like illicit sex. Promiscuity and infidelity, if you do it enough to not have time to think about to much can be pretty thrilling.

Couldn't think of anything worse now, got far too much too lose and wouldn't be able to live with myself, but at the time:twisted:

Erm I kind of agree :oops:

But not now :lol: