GCSE Results Out Today

Interesting in America you have a test to pass your last year or you don't graduate. It cover everything you should have learned over 12 years of learning. They include math. English, science, history, biology, civics. and reading. It does not follow you to college. We have an exam for college called the SAT (scholastic aptitude test) that is what is used to get into a good college. If you don't do well it is off to trade or beauty school.
25 years ago I got mine, we were the last lot to do proper exams, O'levels!!

we didnt have teachers spoonfeeding us over the term with coursework, we coundn't rip essays off the internet it was all on the day, if you didnt remember it, you were screwed!! ;)

I got 5!! :p
when i did mine (over 40 years ago) the grades were 1 to 9 with 1 being good and 9 (which i achieved in both physics and chemistry, i'm an arts man) being a double minus fail of epic proportions.