GCSE Results Out Today


Well-Known Member
Can you remember yours?

I'm not sure I can. I know my A-Level results because they spelt 'ACE':lol:, and were enough to get me to Uni in Manchester, but not my GCSEs.

For older folks, did O-Levels seem, at the time, to be a massive gateway to success or failure in life.

(I feel the need to explain the E at A-level:oops:. Sat History because my mates were doing it and had done it at GCSE. I hadn't and realised I was playing catch-up so couldn't be arsed. Had fun though:lol:)
i can remember them and i can also remember being asked to produce the actual certificates for them in a job interview. i was about 43 at the time.
i can remember them and i can also remember being asked to produce the actual certificates for them in a job interview. i was about 43 at the time.

Never been asked to produce proof of any qualification ever.

I do remember getting a 'b' in GCSE politics now. I got an 'a' at A-Level by writing the same essays word for word.:lol: The same three essays then constituted most if my output at Uni.

Political spinmaster (and the time, my mate) Damian McBride was in my politics class - maybe they just marked us all up as result of the hefty tomes he handed in:lol:
O levels,(yes that long ago) 3, A, B, C, Physics, Chemistry & Design Technology (Used to be called metalwork in CSE speak)
CSE`s , 6, A > E`s in the standard Eng, Maths etc
Never did pick up the certificates, So hope I don`t get asked for them :D

Have a good one

ps, Still remember one of my mates being well chuffed he got an AB in something or other thinking it was halfway between A & B, Took him ages to figure it meant Absent :D
All my results:


AS Level

A Level

Degree - The only one that now matters
Computer Science (2:1 Hons)
over heard some girl on the train this morning bragging to her mate that she had 34 D's

thick cow!!
I remember getting mine and being very suprised that despite recently finding the rave scene and doing literally zero revision I had managed to pass all 10 with decent marks. The art of being able to waffle!
I was gutted with my GCSE results. I did loads of work for the mock exams three months earlier, got mostly As and Bs, so thought I wouldn't need to do any work for the real one.

Oops :lol:
I think mine were all B-D's

Was chuffed as hell when i got a D for maths though :lol:

No A Levels...straight to Beauty School - Qualified on all levels but beauty is a never ending learning industry so im well out of date when it comes to the treatments these days :( but always a handy trade to have...

Now been working as a glorified secretary for 5 years with f**k all quals :lol: but have the expereince and the wisdom like no other secretary would in the construciton industry ;)
Now been working as a glorified secretary for 5 years with f**k all quals :lol: but have the expereince and the wisdom like no other secretary would in the construciton industry ;)

This cannot be correct Vic. If I recall correctly you are not a munter? It's a pre-requisite for the industry's ladies, in my experience!

Despite being quite some time ago, remember my parents taking me to Ibiza to revise for my GCSEs!! Not sure what they were thinking at the time, but it certainly worked as ended up getting 4 A*s, 5 As & 1 D (ironically in music!). Clearly the White Isle is a source of great knowledge! :)
OK - well I was a girly swot.. in the days before A*s. Yes, all of them.. (god knows how). [Ducks].