Funky room Pacha

i can never find that room, i need a map to that room!!!!!!

i like the global room, that was wikid!!
Yeah the funky room was wicked. I only found it the second time I went right at the very end of the night. Global room is also cool, and apparently my mate reckons there's a spanish room...fact or fiction??
Funky room

Lost it in there a few times, ideal gettaway when the main room's too packed!
The best way to get from the roof terrace to the main dancefloor without having to squeeze through a gazillion people is through the stairs at the back of the terrance, down to the funky room.
From there you are almost right back at the club entrance, ready to make a grand appearance on 'the floor'. Ive usually found the funky room is a bit static, not much dancing going on. I've stood in there many a time awaiting the return of Mrs Rustywoo from the toilet.
I like the funky room. Last year when the set at Def Mix was flat I went into the funky room to get down to some soul grooves.
Love it, love it!

That great little room is where I first heard Mambana: No Reason last year - could there ever be a tune more befitting?

The waitress service is also cool.

Oh yes - it's funky as hell.

Spent time there during a lull in Knuckles set last year. Have fond memories of going a bit wobbly-kneed whilst dancing to Angie Stone 'Wish I Didnt Miss You'!!
Am out on the 16th June for 2 weeks and then back at start of Oct. for a quiet one!