Free hotel for 2-4 women who want to party

I can't believe we never all met up! Next summer maybe? Bernadette, my sister, is very keen, although a bad badminton injury has made her a little less active than she was.
Badminton That's a classic.

Anyway It's not like Ibiza isn't filled to the brim with gorgeous ladies (most of whom are intoxicated in some way) instead you try and fish some some internet love instead...hummm:roll:
In the US, it seems, theres a culture of using prostitues habitually and feeling obliged to 'hit' on any woman with a pulse. There are some that like that way of life in Europe too, but thank goodness theyre in the minority.

The tranactional notion behind relationships is very unhealthy, both sides have it - some guys think 'i bought her dinner so I get some', some women think 'Im married so i get a free house and never have to work or give a bj again'.

Where did the romance go?

The trouble with sex is that it leads to kissing - and before you know it you've stopped kissing and are talking -- then who knows what might happen!

My solution?

1. Go to Ibiza

2. Fall in love with a total stranger

3. Remember it for the rest of your life.

4. Do it at least every year!
My solution?

1. Go to Ibiza

2. Fall in love with a total stranger

3. Remember it for the rest of your life.

4. Do it at least every year!

Have to admit, meeting people in Ibiza just adds to the magic. Oh to be in my twenties again!