Frankie In London

Need to see that. thanks for tipoff. I definitely want to see some more films about 80s/90s NYC music/clubs etc - I saw the downtown calling film last year which charted the decline of disco and the concurrent emergence of hiphop/electro in the early 80s, well worth checking also
yeah i never say the downtowncalling movie, i always confused it (stupidly) with the basquiat one, downtown 81... debbie harry is a goddess, she is still active in nyc nightlife, and is as gorgeous as ever.

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out of interest, is there much genuinely original new music coming out of NYC right now? because it seems to me that a lot of the music that has exported since the early 2000s be it the post-punk revival on dfa, environ etc, the pastiche-disco served up by the scissor sisters, hercules & love affair, the lofi indie of the strokes, interpol - all of it seems to have in common a very strong 'retro' feel, like it is all paying homage to old scenes, which is all very exciting on one level for a younger generation but it suggests at the same time that there aren't a lot of new ideas - just people playing around with samplers and guitars and coming up with the same sounds? is that fair? or is there a new york dubstep-style phenomenon brewing too?
out of interest, is there much genuinely original new music coming out of NYC right now? because it seems to me that a lot of the music that has exported since the early 2000s be it the post-punk revival on dfa, environ etc, the pastiche-disco served up by the scissor sisters, hercules & love affair, the lofi indie of the strokes, interpol - all of it seems to have in common a very strong 'retro' feel, like it is all paying homage to old scenes, which is all very exciting on one level for a younger generation but it suggests at the same time that there aren't a lot of new ideas - just people playing around with samplers and guitars and coming up with the same sounds? is that fair? or is there a new york dubstep-style phenomenon brewing too?

^ excellent post, and assessment of what is happening in nyc right now - granted, i am a bit older (ahem) but even the younger kids i work with are into the same old stuff i was listening to in high school...of course with their own spin/style, etc.
but as far as a new genre, like dubstep in the uk, i've not seen/heard it. there is a really healthy live music scene amongst the teenagers, and these are the kids that grew up on hip-hop, rock, house, rap, techno so i am hoping they create something new and exciting - but right now, as far as i can see, nada. yet.
like you I'm too old to have any real understanding of the kids :lol:

obviously trends are cyclical and we've gone from 5-10 years ago where every journo was writing dance music's obituary to a situation now where 20 year olds in London are going wild to chicago house - it's at that point that I step aside and leave em all to it!

I think that trends aside, the one thing has substantially changed things is the internet - in the 90s you could easily tell a US import from a UK rave record, the roots and the production standards were totally different and music's localised identity was important. But now that's fading, it's impossible to tell with a lot of new music where it comes from, who made it, if it represents any kind of scene or anything. This is good and bad. It's democratised music for the whole world to get involved but at the same time it's stripped a lot of the individual identity of music away. I find that sad. I like the idea of a certain tune being syonymous with a certain time/place but that's gone. There will always be passionate people, purists, people flying the flag for certain scenes, and in a way I am part of that, but at the same time, I don't quite feel old enough for the nostalgia circuit even if I don't have the legs to keep up with the kids anymore!
out of interest, is there much genuinely original new music coming out of NYC right now? because it seems to me that a lot of the music that has exported since the early 2000s be it the post-punk revival on dfa, environ etc, the pastiche-disco served up by the scissor sisters, hercules & love affair, the lofi indie of the strokes, interpol - all of it seems to have in common a very strong 'retro' feel, like it is all paying homage to old scenes, which is all very exciting on one level for a younger generation but it suggests at the same time that there aren't a lot of new ideas - just people playing around with samplers and guitars and coming up with the same sounds? is that fair? or is there a new york dubstep-style phenomenon brewing too?

The music scene has gone retro/ retread. I keep looking for something new and if you know music it is a sample of this or that. This is not a slam but when you have been around for a while you know where that sample came from and had fond memories of time you had with it. As I sad before I may be jaded and getting old. There is someone out there waiting throw things on there ear with some different stuff. I hope
I was in NY last spring and Williamsburg really does seem to be the place to be. Like Shoreditch but without the tossers....
a few people were getting worried on facebook beforehand that he might play cheese but he was apparently 'well-briefed' and 'knew his audience'

check out ruffneck at the end of clip - perma-tune

cdn't make it myself but had fun of a very different variety on saturday night, so all was not lost

since posting this, I have learned from a reliable source that it was actually a bit $hit for large stretches, when he went a bit too 'soulful'
it's hard to comment on something I wasn't at but I had someone wailing at me in the pub garden about it for a good hour earlier and the essential problem she described was that he didn't mix it up at all, that it was pretty much 90% generic vocal/soulful and at the same tempo all evening. That would've bored me to tears.
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and he played something by the shapeshifters too, which shows how far he is off the pulse...

....but then again I wasn't there and maybe people were on vintage beans and would forgive anything :lol:
and he played something by the shapeshifters too, which shows how far he is off the pulse...

....but then again I wasn't there and maybe people were on vintage beans and would forgive anything :lol:

Everyones raving about it on Faith. Do we think that's because they're wearing Boys Own tinted glasses?

Shapeshifters? Eurgh.