Fractured Ankle

have you got any related pains in the rest of your body as a result?

like the other leg for example?

oh and are you coming beef?
well there are all sorts of other pains associated with having an ankle out of action. At first my hip joint on the bad leg as your not really moving it at all at the bottom it all comes from the hip so that gets sore. The other leg gets very sore as your standing on it all the time and arms from crutches. Weird one is i have developed "Trigger Finger" in my left little finger , the same side as the ankle. This is from crutches apparently

Yes I shall be doing victory laps of PDB between 9th and 16th september , feeling confident that I'll be ok for then
this was a few hours after the accident. A dinner lady couldnt have done better!


And this was earlier today:

this was a few hours after the accident. A dinner lady couldnt have done better!


God, this takes me back. I had my left ankle snapped playing Rugby, had an op in exactly the same place, not as high reaching with the stitches though. Got a nice scar though...
I feel your pain. I fractured my tibia and fibula in December and had surgery! Still hobbling about 7 months later!:( Got a couple of nice scars like yours too.:(
Hope you get well soon!