Fractured Ankle


Well-Known Member
Reaaly hurts! 6 weeks in a cast. Last time i try to revamp my skateboarding career! Slightly pissed off
Sponge baths are the only way. Is hard to imagine its gona be like this for the next 7 weeks. Try going to the toilet on one leg standing or sitting without the other one touching the floor.
The weird and most annoying thing is that you have to keep it elevated ie lie down with foot up. As soon as you put it down it swells up and really hurts so cant really leave the house or not be lying down for more than about 15mins.
Als means I'm spending a stupid amout of time on the internet. Am working my way through every episode of South Park so far
I sympathise with you! When I was travelling I had an operation on my leg which meant I couldn't get the wound wet until it had healed, which was about a month! I had to have baths with my leg sticking out for the whole time! Or showers with a plastic bag tied round the leg, thats another good trick. Put a hole in the bottom of the bag, push your foot through it, sellotape up each end, keeps the required part pretty dry!
Has now been upgraded to a break and ive been told i need to have an operation tomorrow to put a plate and screws in to hold it together in the right pace. Summer mostly ruined but still playing with the idea of a cheeky week in Ibiza in september

Update: am now the proud owner of a plate and 6 screws in my left ankle , fun and games at airport scanners from now on!
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Hey Daniel , what sort of break did you do and what was your recovery period etc? How are you with walking and everyday stuff now? Yeah without the football i think i'd be tearing my hair out. Seeing doctor monday , 2 weeks since surgery , 4 since the break. they said 6 weeks non weight bearing after surgery then start putting weight on it and physio therapy.
Its a ballache of biblical proportions , look after your ankles kids
Hey Daniel , what sort of break did you do and what was your recovery period etc? How are you with walking and everyday stuff now? Yeah without the football i think i'd be tearing my hair out. Seeing doctor monday , 2 weeks since surgery , 4 since the break. they said 6 weeks non weight bearing after surgery then start putting weight on it and physio therapy.
Its a ballache of biblical proportions , look after your ankles kids

I slipped and fell on ice on 23rd December. Mines was a stable fracture of my fibula so while the break was all the way across the bone , it was still in place so I was given one of these which I wore out clubbing after 4 weeks.:spank:

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These things are great , you strap it on and pump air in to it. I was able to walk with it on after 3 weeks which helped build strength. I was off work for a little over 6 weeks and had physio for a month after that.

Yours is worse than mines though. I didn't need surgery.
That sounds like the same break i have! He said the only reason for surgery was basically for perfection , if i didnt have it it would have been ok but higher cgance of arthritus in later life. Might have to look into one of those ski boot badboys then depending what they say monday. Its got to the point now where im scared to even try standing on it in case it just snaps
That sounds like the same break i have! He said the only reason for surgery was basically for perfection , if i didnt have it it would have been ok but higher cgance of arthritus in later life. Might have to look into one of those ski boot badboys then depending what they say monday. Its got to the point now where im scared to even try standing on it in case it just snaps

I was glad to get the boot instead of a hard cast , meant I could take it off to shower and sleep etc.

I've badly sprained my ankle twice before when I was younger through skateboarding , then I broke it crossing the road.:rolleyes:

It was quite funny though. I slipped right in the middle of the road and had to crawl to the pavement in front of quite a lot of traffic. :lol:
I feel your pain. I have had a dodgy knee since I was about 12 and have spent 3 of the last 8 summers with my leg in a splint.

Many would simply stop trying to play football, but I am an optimist and/or idiot.

A little bit of advice; a bell, a stick, and a nervous girlfriend make it all a lot easier.

Am I joking?
Funnilly enough I wasnt going to go on any holidays this year as im not working currently but with all the spare time on my hands I couldnt help doing abit of investigating into an ibiza trip. It turned out a few mates were really up for it so I went ahead and booked the 9th-16th september in PDB. Hopefully should be ok as 6 weeks since surgery will be the end of july giving me 5 weeks to try learn to walk without a yardie gangsta limp. I figured I could really do with something to look forward to after a whole summer wasted.

Daniel was that aircast thing on the NHS i did you have to ask for it specifically?
Daniel was that aircast thing on the NHS i did you have to ask for it specifically?

NHS. That's what they give you now if it's a stable fracture that doesn't need surgery. I was quite lucky I suppose. For an ankle break , it was the best one I could have got .:D
well the cast was off this morning! went better than i expected they basically said i can walk with crutches and theoretically i could put my whole body weight on it so just take it in my own time walking without them. Nice big scar and a hell of alot of dead skin! first bath was heavenly! So it was 8 weeks since the accident and 6 weeks since surgery and now probs a month of physo , damn skateboard!