
Did some exploratory walking out of my village yesterday. So much to see... There's one route through fields which could be good for liberty caps come autumn. :lol: Wild garlic's out now - going to pick some soon and have another go at cooking with it.
Wild garlic's out now - going to pick some soon and have another go at cooking with it.

There are acres of it nearby us, JV - don't bother with cooking, just pop some flowers on top of a salad and enjoy .. and as with everything from the wild outdoors be sure to wash well if getting from the side of the road in case passing ramblers (or their dogs) have pee-pee'd on it :lol:
Yeah, it's very common and you touch on my main concern. :lol: Furthermore, I can confirm it's not just bears that sh!t in the woods... Can't remember if I tried the flowers last year. The leaves didn't stand out much in an omelette last time. My plan now is to add it to a tomato sauce for pasta and use like chives with boiled spuds.
I love Wild garlic (or "warlic garlic" as it's called in my house) I like adding it to salads or chuck a load of it in a bolognese sauce.
Found another really good route to go walking/foraging, the woods starting about 2 minutes from my door. I'm considering mixing walking with a mild psychedelic experience at some point in the near future. Never really mixed psychedelics and nature before...
I'm considering mixing walking with a mild psychedelic experience at some point in the near future. Never really mixed psychedelics and nature before...

You haven't lived, JV!

Many years ago we were so impatient that liberty caps were consumed as they were picked, some funny experiences ensued. Would be totally different now and be about being at one with nature for me.
My last experience with LC's was moderate and indoors at night and turned very angsty. They don't seem to 'like' technology much - music just sounds weird and can become grating and the picture on the TV became all fuzzy. (I think I'd reached the point where senses were starting to cross over. :eek:) I'm guessing natural sounds (birds, running water) work better.

I think I'm fine on low doses (was okay last time until I re-dosed a couple of times), but I'd worry about bumping into people while tripping. :lol: Thankfully, if you go out early enough on a Sunday morning, you only bump into the occasional dog walker.
My last experience with LC's was moderate and indoors at night and turned very angsty. They don't seem to 'like' technology much - music just sounds weird and can become grating and the picture on the TV became all fuzzy. (I think I'd reached the point where senses were starting to cross over. :eek:) I'm guessing natural sounds (birds, running water) work better.

I think I'm fine on low doses (was okay last time until I re-dosed a couple of times), but I'd worry about bumping into people while tripping. :lol: Thankfully, if you go out early enough on a Sunday morning, you only bump into the occasional dog walker.

Just wear a straw hat and pop a strand of grass in your mouth .. that way if you bump into anyone whilst under the influence you'll just be taken for a country bumpkin and all strange behaviour will be forgiven :p
Anyone found any morels or St George's?

I picked some wild garlic leaves at the weekend and added them to a tomato sauce for pasta. Not convinced the flavour comes out loads, but still...
I spotted my first funghi of the season while out yesterday. :twisted: Pretty certain one was an oyster mushroom, the other possibly chicken of the woods. Sent pics to a mushroom expert friend for confirmation.