
Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Anyone into foraging? After 6 years where I am, I've just started exploring the local countryside properly. My main interest is searching for wild food; last time id'd and tasted wood sorrel and wild garlic. I'd love to get into eating wild mushrooms, but obviously you need to be very sure when id'ing.
In charity shops for cheap vintage clothes & classic vinyl? Yes

In the woods for mushrooms? No :lol:

How far do you live from the countryside Johnny?

I live in a village - 10 minute drive from nearest town, but surrounded by countryside and nature walks. It's actually quite interesting when you get into it and the exercise/time to gather thoughts feels good. I spent an hour in the woods the other Sunday and didn't meet another soul. The only thing that freaked me out was the constant creaking and swaying of the trees - I thought one was going to fall on me. :lol:
Heading out into the woods for mushroom gathering (of the edible non-psychotropic kind) is very popular around here.

Never quite understood the joy in it myself :confused:
it's what you do when you live in the arse end of nowhere and have no other ready recreation to hand
it's what you do when you live in the arse end of nowhere and have no other ready recreation to hand

Not at all. Glasgow and good clubbing is only an hour away. As one gets older, their interests can expand. I'm at the stage where I'd find going out and getting drunk every weekend boring.

If you like food, why wouldn't want you want to hunt for edible mushrooms? Chanterelles and ceps can't be cultivated by man and to find them in the wild may be your only chance to enjoy them fresh. I found my interest followed too from being interested in that other sort of mushroom. ;)
the wild really isn't that interesting, unless you're with a lover in which case it becomes extremely interesting
Heading out into the woods for mushroom gathering (of the edible non-psychotropic kind) is very popular around here.

Never quite understood the joy in it myself :confused:

Sounds like the woods must be packed on a regular basis.

In fact there's probably not mushroom to move.


(boardgrrl : insert scathing comment here)
Foraging would be much more fun in these little babies were indigenous to the uk;
