
  • Thread starter Thread starter chris p
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chris p

im chris 22, been out to ibiza twice before and thats why im coming back for more, but to do a little work this time. hopefully mid-may but wondering if anyone out there knows how easy it is find a place to stay and get a job giving out flyers (well i dont want to do anything to stressful with a hangover).got to check out DC10 again, that place is quality. im going out on my own as my mates are all light weights, so if you've got any info or are in the same position, get in touch
Hi Chris. I worked in Ibiza last year and plan to return in either june or aug (depending on job & funds!).

Its best to get out there in june, before the clubs open, to get the best chance of gettin a job. Sayin that, people are always losing/changing jobs or going if you keep your eyes and ears open, you can pick up stuff all season. Go to The Ship which is a British workers pub inthe square at the top of the west end...there's always notices up advertising jobs and apartments available throughought the summer.

On arrival in San An, either head to the Florida Hotel by the Egg roundabout and ask if they have a room for the night. They also rent out the Sol-y-mar apartments across the road which are cheap if'll need ppl to share with u tho. Wips supermarket is outside the Florida..this is workers central...the majority of the guys sittin outside on the blue plastic chairs, drinkin cheap vodka and fanta limon, eatin big bags of cheesy puffs (you can tell how i spent the majority of my summer!!) will be workers in the same boat as u. Go and chat to some ppl, they might even be lookin for ppl to share accom with aswell.

Also, Delilah's bar which is a welsh bar on the main strip on the west end, has accom above it which is extremely cheap. This is charged per night, so its best just to use it while ur lookin for somethin permanent.
The last drop Inn, further up the strip also has rooms above..very plush..but towards the top end of price range.
Dualas (workers bar with apartment block above), Azul apartments (towards sunset strip), and El Moro (near bus stop and harbour) are all frequanted by workers and fairly cheap if u get a load of u in sharing (just dont tell the landlord how many of u are in there!).

Phew..hope that's ok. This is only from my experience last year...others may have better tips for you.
Good luck with everything...maybe i'll see you down Wips!!
I promoted around ibiza town, d'en bossa and figueretas for Kinky Trade, until that finished...then worked for Garlands towards end of season - did the parades and danced at space for the white party! Also did a bit of pring for coastline (didnt last long!) and parade for Twice as Nice when needed extra cash.

Should be workin as a Garlands girl this summer...all that madness EVERY WEEK! are we gonna cope?! :P
hheeellllllooooo shaz!

its Tom here. remember me. live in leeds with blonde hair.
bored at work and started gettin the ibiza feelin again so thought i'd come on here see if i knew anyone. comin back for third time in 6 weeks....wahooooooo! can't wait.

good to see you'll be workin for garlands this year, i'm gonna be doing nothing all summer AGAIN!!!! the perks of having a well paid job.

wot u been up to all winter

hope your well
Tom xx
Hiya, didnt realise you'd left msg on here too.

I'm not bad, been doin shitty jobs since i got back to pay off all the debts i racked up from last season! Loan repayments, credit card and phone bills etc ...i'vee never worked so much and had so little money to show for it!

I'm gonna struggle with cash this year..will only have a few hundred spending to take with me cos need to leave money in account to cover the bills while i'm away. Couldn't turn down the chance of working for Garlands tho...mite have a job lined up with Salvation again too (worked for them last year, they were in conjunction with Trade@Amnesia). If it all goes tits up, I can always get a flight home..nothin to lose!!
Work in Ibiza

Hi Shaz

I have just booked our holiday to Ibiza for Friday 20th June along with two of my friends and was wondering if you had any contact details or if you know of any work opportunities with Garlands this year. I originally had a phone number of a girl who helped promote Garlands last year in Ibiza and I think she lives in Leeds as I bumped into her a couple of times, but i've lost it.

We are looking to start work by the beginning of July, I know its a bit late, but thats the earliest. Please help....
