Florencio aparts


New Member
Has anyone stayed in the Florencio aparts? if so are they any good cos i'm staying there. also how far is it away from the west end and sunset strip? cheers.
I'm going there the week after you - 4th July.

Stayed at Es Calo Playa last year and walked past the Florencio a couple of times - should only be a few minutes walk to the West End & about 6 or 7 to the Sunset strip.

I have a map - can't remember what site I got it from so I'll post it on my site here : http://www.borg-enterprises.com/ibiza/map.htm

Florencio is about the middle of the map, if you haven't been to San An before the West End is around the area with the orange streets in it between the Florencio and the harbour. Sunset strip is shown off to the left.

Have a good one!

Anto. :P