
sweet sensation

Active Member
Ok, I am looking to get some flights to ibiza in sept and I normally get them from sky scanner or the airline directly. I looked about a month ago and they were about £185 each. I checked yesterday as they have gone down to £142. Now in previous experiences flights have only ever gone up the closer to the date youre flying. So I have a dilema do I get them now as they have gone down or is there a chance that they might go down even further? They are with ryanair.

Has anyone else had any experience of this? Obviously I want to pay as little as possible :lol:
My friends got some saturday - saturday flights early june with BA for about 115 and at sensible travelling times. These skyrocketed in price fairly quickly after that. I would buy them now if it was me. Bare in mind that with sky scanner you need to click book to get the 'actual' price as its does not live update and ive found the price once you go through to booking is more sometimes as the quote is 5hours old or so
I know ryanair are going to add on all sorts like bags etc plus we will have an infant fee aswell. Was just wondering if anyone has had the experience of them going down. If I bought them now and then they went down again is it possible to cancel and re-book at the cheaper price (if that does happen)?

Im being a miser lol cos we are staying a few nights in the hacienda so Im trying to save money everywhere else!!!
I would book them now tbh, they're not going to go that much lower... maybe £20? but will potentially go up massively.
If your paying around the 150 mark from the uk thats about right. No such thing as mega cheap any longer.
recommend that you book BA from City Airport. you may pay a bit more but worth it (think about coming home)
ha ha at this thread!!

flights are never what they say they are going to be are they. I got them today as they had gone up by a tenner so altogether it should have been £210 but no it ended up being £500???!!!!! Its all bullsh1t isnt it........paying £60 for a tiny baby...why??? baby sits on my lap and will probably sleep for the entire journey! bags, seats, text message etc etc.........another way to scam every penny out of you grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :twisted:
I tend to study them for a good few months until maybe a couple months before I go, as soon as I see a price I thinks no bad I go for it, and then I don't check them after that, as you'd just torment yourself.
I tend to study them for a good few months until maybe a couple months before I go, as soon as I see a price I thinks no bad I go for it, and then I don't check them after that, as you'd just torment yourself.
Me to, we waited for ours last year and they started going up so bought them through peer pressure and panic, same flights dropped by about £100 for the month before we flew :(
We are waiting this year as the times are crap and cheap or good times and expensive I will risk it until at least June for booking. New flights are being added to which is helping the cost come down weekly especially if we fly from another airport to EMA so fingers crossed it works :D
£210-£500 is a big leap though, I wonder if we would be happy seeing the price as £500 at the beginning and have the option to reduce by taking off bags instead of adding them to somehow tune our brains to thinking we got a bargain? :lol:
.... and cost of flights in June after opening parties often collapse a week or two before depending on how full the planes are. It's only advance booking in Season that really gets you over a barrel if your dates are inflexible. The airlines know it and take full advantage of your situation and desire to have some certainty. If you're flexible enough to go at short notice and away from high peak times (August and even worse September, the only month last year I couldn't get any sensibly priced flights booking late) you can still pick up some very cheap flights. Tbh September is my least favourite month out of the whole late April - October period in Ibiza so it doesn't worry me too much !
£210-£500 is a big leap though, I wonder if we would be happy seeing the price as £500 at the beginning and have the option to reduce by taking off bags instead of adding them to somehow tune our brains to thinking we got a bargain? :lol:

Its ridiculous isnt it!

here is our price breakdown:

*******153.96 GBP Total Fare
*******117.98 GBP Taxes, Fees & Charges
********60.00 GBP Passenger Fee: Infant
********10.00 GBP Passenger Fee: EU 261 Levy - WTF is this?????????
********28.00 GBP Passenger Fee: Web Check in - and this??????
*********1.00 GBP Passenger Fee: ETS - and ok i know its only a quid but what am i paying it for???
********28.00 GBP Passenger Fee: Administration Fee - grrrr admin fees, what a load of pants, probably paying for someones lunch
********60.00 GBP Passenger Fee: Checked Bag(s)
*********1.69 GBP Passenger Fee: Mobile Text
********40.00 GBP Passenger Fee: Reserved Seating
*******500.63 GBP Total Paid

so I paid an extra £67 for what exactly????

really p1sses me off :evil:

I actually have to ring them this afternoon for a different flight, Ive a good mind to ask them exactly what am I paying that for?????!
Wow, the web check in used to be free as it was easier for them at the desk seems like they are taking their pie and eating ALL of it charging for that to!
I personally wouldn't pay for reserved seating or a mobile text but you shouldn't have to pay for webcheck in now that would of reduced it by 70 odd quid.
The levy 261 is to pay for their flight cancellations and delays looking at their website. So they have lost money for one reason or another and now they charge you in advance for the next time happens, nice :lol:
ETS fee is eco-looney tax.
I guess the web check in and admin fee are just extras "cause they can" because they are a greedy airline, who I try to avoid as much as possible these days. Never felt safe on any ryanair planes.