Flight help!



Anyone know?

I am trying to book a flight from Barcelona to Ibiza and right when I was going to pay for it, it says to confirm the tickets I must have a Spain address or go to the Barcelona Airport to pick them up, or it will be cancelled.... I have a Problem I'm in California! Am I reading it wrong or doing something wrong?
I was booking it on www.spanair.com

it say address to send tickets to!!! and also adds it must be an address in Spain. :cry:
Spanair Tickets No Problem

I purchased some Spanair tickets from Madrid to Ibiza about a month ago and it's no problem to have them delivered to the U.S. I live in Michigan and mine arrived in less than a week. Spanair has an office in Arizona and a phone # for this office is listed on the website. I booked online first and then called the # to confirm and it was fine. Just buy the tickets and fill your address info out properly with a U.S. address. It will ask for the country as well. Good Luck!!!
Please contact our toll free Spanair reservations number in the US
> 1- 888 - 545 57 57

received from spanair today