First timers- Dip our toes or dive right in?

Speak to Puppylover, she's old.



Yes I am knocking on the door of the big 50 very soon - and yes I still go clubbing if there is someone I really want to see in the UK BUT more importantly no one bats an eyelid in Ibiza - there is no restriction on age in the clubs and to be honest give yourself 30 mins in there - feeling the music and you wont care either :) (however, its slightly different in Es Paradis and Eden - that for me is too young now.....! Unless you fancy acting as a paramedic - which is what happened last time we were in...:rolleyes:)

Go with an open mind and dont worry about ticket costs - you can easily score yourself some free wristbands when out and about - you may find just hitting clubs you didnt plan on going to are an unexpected bonus! 8)

If you drink, just make sure you drink before you hit the clubs - I dont really drink that much so costs arent really an option... however water is still expensive in the clubs so you need to factor that in just to keep hydrated in there...
Yes I am knocking on the door of the big 50 very soon - and yes I still go clubbing if there is someone I really want to see in the UK BUT more importantly no one bats an eyelid in Ibiza - there is no restriction on age in the clubs and to be honest give yourself 30 mins in there - feeling the music and you wont care either :)
No way. I remember when you turned 40 like yesterday :p

And to be fair, part of the reason no one bats an eyelid is you look a decade younger! ;)
Ta for all the useful info guys, brilliant. Not sure if finances will stretch to eating at Pacha but I'll def look in to it,. nice idea. I think we will go to the West End at some point but more to feed our sense of amused curiosity and see what all the kids get up to.

Just pre-plan a little(inc flights and hotel deals), save a little more prior to your trip and be flexible on the Island. Some of the best nights are "not as you planned it" style!!

Pacha visit inc 2/3 course meal with wine, pre dinner snifter and 1/2 drinks in the club with be no more than 200e per couple. Saying that, I did break the 200e barrier last year in the restaurant alone!!!!
No way. I remember when you turned 40 like yesterday :p

And to be fair, part of the reason no one bats an eyelid is you look a decade younger! ;)

Ahhh bless you for that! What can I say - its true!! sex drugs and House Music is the elixir of youth!!! :D:D:D

48 this year - and its getting kind of scary now my life now seems to consist of wholesome weekend activities outdoors and cooking a lot!!!! ...... (I seem to be trying to make up for 23years of misbehaving :lol::lol:)
What can I say - its true!! sex drugs and House Music is the elixir of youth!!! :D:D:D

I'm going to remember that and if in 25 years time I find out it wasn't true I'll hunt you down in Ibiza where you will probably be waving your walking stick around in the air or something!
Ahhh bless you for that! What can I say - its true!! sex drugs and House Music is the elixir of youth!!! :D:D:D

48 this year - and its getting kind of scary now my life now seems to consist of wholesome weekend activities outdoors and cooking a lot!!!! ...... (I seem to be trying to make up for 23years of misbehaving :lol::lol:)

I'm with you in age pups, these young kids will burn out by 30. There is no such thing as too old, keep it moving and enjoy.
no-one is too old in Ibiza. In fact I feel quite young in comparison to a lot of people I am in my early 30's. However while I feel like there is no chance of me calming down my partying in the next 30 years I would not go on a boat party as I feel they would be full of childish kids like the types you see on sun sex and suspicious parents. No offence to them as they are just having their own kind of fun but I wouldn't want to be around them unless maybe I was with a large gang of friends. I may be wrong though as I'm only using tv and what I've heard from people I know. I've never been on one myself. Get down to Bora bora beach club for a daytime party if you want to do a bit of people watching and get a few eye openers :). Always guaranteed to spot one or two mangled messes struggling to take that giant step from the shallow waters to the stand. Lots of fun to watch :lol:
I'm going to remember that and if in 25 years time I find out it wasn't true I'll hunt you down in Ibiza where you will probably be waving your walking stick around in the air or something!

Yeah - I will have lost/spent all my live savings, burnt myself out and be living in a cave overlooking Es Vedra..... :) :)

(Jesus Christ on a Bike does that mean you are 25 years younger than me?????) :spank::spank::spank::spank::spank::spank::spank:
Yeah - I will have lost/spent all my live savings, burnt myself out and be living in a cave overlooking Es Vedra..... :) :)

(Jesus Christ on a Bike does that mean you are 25 years younger than me?????) :spank::spank::spank::spank::spank::spank::spank:

if clubbers never grow up then your still the same age as me?

Cave rave?
Guys you're amazing , thanks for all the info, lots to take in. My hub who is 51 is actually not remotely concerned about the age thing, it' me who's got a slight sense of dread about it all. I do know I won't care when I get there, I sunbathe stark-boll*ck naked if I can for gods sake, but the idea of entering a club after almost a decade scares me silly. I don't have danglers please note, just a turn of phrase.;)
On cost we're not big drinkers so the drinks bill won't be too horrific, it's more transport to and entry to club costs I was most worried about. Never considered the wristband thing I must say.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Glad to hear we're not the only mature clubbers heading to Ibiza this summer. Pacha looks a little remote from anywhere really. How do you guys play it when going there? Are there any preclub bars nearby?

As said above there are plenty of bars in Ibiza Town.

Grial, now renamed "Santo Grial" is virtually next door and is a smaller venue music bar. Great little place and venue of many an impromptu party. Last year, Sasha followed Ushuaia with a free Never Say Never after-party here - announced on the day (or the day before) so keep your eyes on McRackin's updates and your ear to the ground. If something like this happens you may just be tempted to give Pacha a miss. All the relevant news of lineups and parties at Santo Grial is updated on this thread :

The whole of the section of the forum where this thread appears is a goldmine of info on special events and regular fixtures at the island's smaller clubs, many of which are firm favourites of mine and many other "more mature" party-goers.