First time, on my own, going tonight, flight only...

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Only 7 hours till I leave!

Hope there's some hostels in San Antonio with beds or it's the beach for me!

I'm 31 from Essex(!) and looking forward to dancing all week - tight budget but only planning on one big club night, prefer the cheaper & daytime dancing!

Into techno, trance, and hands in the air stuff!

Anyone around for the next week? (silly question;)


Well, thanks for all the replies - it was really good to meet you all out there! ;)

In case you're wondering, I had a great time. IMO, the clubs are overpriced, overfull, and nowhere near as good as the clubs we have here in the UK (having been to the real Cream when it was alive, the Cross, the Orbit, etc. etc.). Bora Bora is about the only place worth going.

And the Spanish? Don't get me started on them...
I wish!

Didn't know it was on - when is it? I have friends up north so might go...

I missed Sven in Ibiza - went to Carl Cox in Spaced instead - wish I'd gone to Sven though, heard it was much better...
Sven plays mon, Coxy tues. -u must have been mashed mate!

The birthday was on 31st may! I missed it! Couldnt get transport (Orbits in the middle of nowhere and shuts at 2!). So went to the last Atomic Jam at the que club which was an all nighter- damn quality techno there! :P
I know...

Yes, I know Sven's on Monday and Coxy on Tues, but I only had enough dosh for 2 nights out (as little bottles of water are 8 euros and I didn't really fancy dying of dehydration), so I decided on Coxy on Tues and Cream on Thursday.

Still, think I'll be sticking to the UK clubs in the future - IMHO far more VFM and better vibe. Not saying I don't like "beefa", but the clubs are just a rip off.

I thought you meant he was playing soon at orbit - oh well!

I'll be there then. Seriously miss living "up north" - the people are more friendly, it's cheaper, and the clubbing is better!
giv us a email or somethin when ur next over mate, we'll have to meet up! u comin Creamfields?
Will do!

Will do - Creamfields out I'm afraid - penniless after Ibiza! Worth it though, always wanted to go so enjoyed the fact-finding mission!

Sounds like you had a great time!!!!!

Like yourself, I will be flying solo to the island from two weeks today. As well, I will be arriving on the island with no pre-planned accomodations.
Hopefully I will be able to find a decent hostel in the San Antonio area that will be REASONABLE for a STUDENT planning to stay on the White Isle for 2 weeks (oxy-moron if ever there was one!!!)

So, I ask you, was it fairly easy for you to find accomadations upon arrival??? Did u have the pick of the litter or were you just very lucky in finding an open/available room/hostel???

Any recommendations on hostels or tips/advice in general for someone travelling alone would be greatly appreciated!!!!! :D

Thanx very much,

Hostel finding...

My flight arrived early morning, and after waiting an hour for a taxi at the airport (TIP: cheat and walk up to the departures and grab a taxi which is just dropping people off) I ended up walking round at 5:30am not finding a room.

One apartment guy let me sleep for a couple of hours on some sofas then I walked around and found hostel Torres which was OK but they charged me 35 euros a night as I was single. The hostel's OK though - rooms are nice, but it was pretty close to the West End, which means NO sleep (unless you get really twatted first then pass out!). Heard going further up into the town might help...

L'Anibals is just outside San ANT but within walking distance...I stayed with two friends in July and it was less than 20 each...I dont know how much single occupancy would be but we thought it was really nice, clean and has a can get the details off this site but the map is wrong...let me know if yuo want further info and enjoy :D
Saucer, your information has not fallen upon deaf ears.............I will be leaving this Friday Aug 29th, your input is greatly appreciated.

However, I am still without accommadations and getting a little stressed, to say the least!!!!

The details for Hostel L'Anibals ae nowhere to be seen on this site, if possible, can u please provide some more information to this hostel, as it will be greatly appreciated!

thanx very much!!!
