Fire at Benirras


Active Member
It's Sunday evening and I'm just hearing some reports that the whole of Benirras is on fire.
It sounds very bad, with several cars ablaze and possible casualties.
Just hoping that everybody is ok.
Scary stuff. :(

If the Google translation of that article is anything to go by, it sounds like the fire moved in very fast.People had to be evacuated by sea and cars in the parking lot were set ablaze. All of Ibiza's firefighters, 2 brigades from Majorca and a bunch of aircraft involved in trying to put it out :!:

I hope the restaurants there don't go up in flames and that no one is hurt
700 evacuated from Ibiza beach after fire

At least 700 people were evacuated from a beach on Spain's trendy holiday island of Ibiza on Sunday after a fire burnt 20 hectares of land, but no one was hurt, a television report said.

The blaze "trapped at least 700 people in the Benirras bay" in the northwest of the island, who had to be rescued by land and sea, public TVE television said quoting regional rescue services.

The fire also reached a parking lot where "possibly up to 20 cars were caught in the fire".

Fire fighters from the nearby island of Majorca were sent to Ibiza to assist local firefighters.

The report said the evacuation by sea was necessary as the beach was difficult to access.

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This guy looks arrested. Perhaps one of the idiots who caused the fire?
The Civil Guard ruled that the fire was intentional

So far, no arrests or suspects and are investigating how the fire started near a cave inhabited Benirràs




Ibiza | EUROPA PRESS The Civil Guard ruled that the fire originated in Sunday Benirràs Creek , which has 349 acres of pine forest burned , was intentional , since "no indication "that would lead someone with premeditation.

Thus, the Civil Guard sources have said the fire, which is stabilized by the Government , was caused by " negligence " caused a cave near the creek Benirràs who lives in a hippie commune .

However, they pointed out that, to date , there have been no arrests and no complaint, so the Meritorious continues the course of investigations to clarify how the negligence occurred and , if necessary , to question those responsible for the same .

Precisely , the chairman of the Balearic Government , Francesc Antich, revealed this morning that the parallel and independent investigations carried out by two technicians from the Department of Environment have reached the same conclusion , that the fire originated near a cave Benirràs Creek , home to a hippie commune , thus strengthening the hypothesis that the call is initiated as a result of negligence.

At first it was thought that the fire was caused by the accidental explosion of a car parked near the creek , which rolled down an embankment affecting a dozen cars, some of which also exploded , although this hypothesis and has been discarded
The Government assumes Benirràs controlled fire

It was found that no progress of the flames in different foci , however , the fire will not give extinct until next week




The fire has destroyed 350 hectares Benirràs Vicent Marí​

PALMA | EFE The technical committee formed to analyze the evolution of fire in the cove Ibizan Benirrás , comprising members of the Department of Interior and the Balearic Institute of Nature ( IBANAT ) , have controlled this evening by the fire, so that residents and may return to their homes.

Sources from the Department of Environment reported that the fire has been controlled by 18:00 pm today, more than 72 hours after it originated , it has shown no progress of the flames in different foci .

However, the media and staff moved to the cove IBANAT continue in the area at least until Sunday to cool the place and make sure there is no possibility that the fire is reactivated, because technicians can not be calculated by extinguished before next week .

The meeting began at 18.30 pm in the Advanced Control Center , after the Minister of the Environment , Gabriel Vicens, last flown over the area affected by the fire , which amounts to 349 hectares of pine forest.