He's actually somewhat right ...
He's actually somewhat wrong - because he obviously has no experience
how it works in (ibiza´s)reality.
i and blokes i know rent many rentalcars every year @ different rentalagencies.
we never were charged for a parking fine back home.
and back to ibiza till now never anybody from the (same) rentalgency said
we can´t give you a car because you have unpaid fines or something like that.
sure you probably won´t get a car again if you get many fines
and don´t pay them or make damages to the cars ...
but all this possibilities and how they handle it in case you are a "spaniard"
has ZERO to do with the concrete case in this thread.
in august a parkingfine i got in miami was charged automatically from the creditcard
i paid the car with ... even before i was back home
