fave club?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beth
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Terrace @ Space...........don't like the inside of Space - you can't beat dancing on the terrace early afternoon with the sun shining or in the evening as it gets dark

Outside at DC10 - again for that feeling of dancing outside with sun shining, also wicked crowd and atmosphere and fantastic music

Pacha - lovely club, and as Yvonne said hold all my fave nights - Subliminal, Perfecto, Ministry etc.......
Pacha. beautiful, you feel classier just going through the door.
Space,esp that damned terrace.
Amnesia, because ecstasy works better in there than anywere else ive been
Im going to be different and go for Pacha and the Terrace @ Space
Both classy clubs with classy people who are there to have a good time.
Mmm... Space???? Pacha??????
It's just too difficult to decide!!!