Fare dodgers in Scotland - Beware!

Amazing how these videos do the rounds. Picked up the link from twitter, just noticed on facebook jay has posted the same clip.

THE passenger who became a worldwide internet sensation after throwing a ticketless teenager off a train is facing an assault charge.
“Big Man” Alan Pollock, an investment banker, was hailed a hero for tackling alleged fare-dodging student Sam Main, pictured.
But the married dad-of-three, 34, could now end up with a criminal conviction after the 19-year-old made an official complaint to police.
And last night, the surveying student's flower salesman dad Lenny, 43, said Alan had no right to do what he did, adding: “This big guy has basically thrown him head first on to the platform.
“Sam's landed on his face and has a big graze.
“He's tried to get back in the carriage to get his bag.
“He's diabetic and all his things were in that bag – his medication, his university notes, his money, his mobile phone and his ipod. But he's been thrown off again. This man has to be charged and have his day in court.
“He had no right to do what he did. If I was him, I'd expect to be charged.”
The incident has sparked huge debate across Scotland over whether Sam deserved to be kicked off or not.
Lenny added: “Some of the comments about Sam online have been vile.
“My son is no ned.”
Sam was visited by officers at his home in Falkirk yesterday after burly Alan was caught on camera launching him head first on to a platform.
The clip, shot on a mobile phone, has been viewed by more than 500,000 people around the globe. But last night a pal of Sam's said: “The transport police traced Sam to his house and interviewed him. During the visit, Sam decided he would like to make an official police complaint.”
The YouTube clip shows a ticket inspector ordering Sam off the train at Linlithgow because he does not have a valid ticket to Polmont.
When the second-year student at Heriot-Watt University refuses, Alan approaches and offers to “get him off” before grabbing Sam and throwing him on to theplatform.
Sam, who received cuts on his face and legs, is seen struggling to get back on board to retrieve his bag, unaware that another passenger has already tossed it off the train.
One woman is heard saying: “There's no need for that.”
But Alan is applauded byother travellers as he sits down in the seat vacated by Sam,and one man says: “Cheers, big man.”
Ian Hems, 27, an IT teacher who filmed the incident, said: “The big man said, ‘if I end up in jail because of this, you've got to come and bring me a bag of pickled onion Monster Munchin prison.' That's pretty much all he said.
“He was a strong and silenttype who made almost no conversation with other passengers who were chatting about the incident.”
Yesterday, there was no sign of Alan at the riverside bungalow he shares with wife Avril and their three children.
Avril said: “He is a very private man. He doesn'twant to talk about theincident.”
When asked if her husband had been visited by police she said: “No comment.”
Last night, a spokesman forthe British Transport Police refused to discuss details of the case.
He said: “A complaint has been received and inquiries are ongoing into the incident.”
Why would an investment "superhero" banker get involved though? :rolleyes:

Sounds like a righteous w@nker desperate for a fight to me.
he's clearly feeling guilty over his role in the world's economic demise and felt he had to gain some cred back for bankers.
Don't think so. From the clip seemed like a normal guy just fed up with the kid holding everyone up.

Typical Robder. :lol: Skim reads the thread and misses the point entirely.

Just watched the clip - little skank was being really rude.

Still not joining the ranks to get involved in 'big man' hero worship though. Eurgh.
I blame the conductor for giving the ok to throw the lad off. Surely correct procedure in these cases is for him to contact the British Transport Police who would pick him up at the next station. The boy could infact be completely innocent e.g been given the wrong ticket for example.
I blame the conductor for giving the ok to throw the lad off. Surely correct procedure in these cases is for him to contact the British Transport Police who would pick him up at the next station. The boy could infact be completely innocent e.g been given the wrong ticket for example.

The lad was a rude fare dodger pure and simple. He got what he had coming to him. You can plainly see in the video someone tossing him his bag. He just wanted back on the train. The lad now has a sob story, he was brave with the conductor; he now does not want to take any responsibility for his actions that started the mess. He didn't get beat to a pulp, he was toss off the train with the necessary force.
It was an assault by the big man simple as that. No need for him to get involved especially nowadays when everything can be easily recorded by mobiles and posted on the web as evidence.
It was an assault by the big man simple as that. No need for him to get involved especially nowadays when everything can be easily recorded by mobiles and posted on the web as evidence.

Oh come on, what would have happened otherwise? A light slap on the wrist and he'd get away scot free with a smug little smile on his face. Like MANY of the little sctorums in the UK who have no respect for anybody these days.

For me, it's not so much the fact that he didn't pay, I bunked a few trains in my youth and got caught by the inspectors. You try a quick sob story and if not, you either pay or you get off! I would never have used foul language at someone of that guy's age.

Hopefully it's taught him a lesson to be a bit more respectful, and buy a ticket!
oh come on, what would have happened otherwise? A light slap on the wrist and he'd get away scot free with a smug little smile on his face. Like many of the little sctorums in the uk who have no respect for anybody these days.

For me, it's not so much the fact that he didn't pay, i bunked a few trains in my youth and got caught by the inspectors. You try a quick sob story and if not, you either pay or you get off! I would never have used foul language at someone of that guy's age.

Hopefully it's taught him a lesson to be a bit more respectful, and buy a ticket!

Oh come on, what would have happened otherwise? A light slap on the wrist and he'd get away scot free with a smug little smile on his face. Like MANY of the little sctorums in the UK who have no respect for anybody these days.

For me, it's not so much the fact that he didn't pay, I bunked a few trains in my youth and got caught by the inspectors. You try a quick sob story and if not, you either pay or you get off! I would never have used foul language at someone of that guy's age.

Hopefully it's taught him a lesson to be a bit more respectful, and buy a ticket!

Easy to say that when your not the one up in court facing a criminal charge that is going to stick and ruin a mans life.
pity the little scumbag didn't break his neck getting turfed off the train, real hard man giving the old guy lip