Exotic Food

Was quite a funny once the punchline was out.

Rather enlightening that not one poster seemed to bat an eyelid that Buckley had eaten curried penguin!
There`s a place round in the bay that sell`s Ostrich, Springbok & Crocodile steaks, Can`t remember the name of it but someone will , past Pink Panther on left, Pete & Tim run it ? Anyone ?

Have a good one
I had a nice Indian dish the other night. It was called a tarka massala.

Like a tikka massala but it's a little otter.
food or drink, I'm not entirely sure

went to a mate's for dinner last night and there was a mexican theme to it

tequilas were then served immediately followed by another glass containing what looked and tasted like guacamole! anyone had this before?
quite sure

it was green and tasted a bit like mushy peas

what I imagine Kermit would look (if not taste) like after an hour in a microwave

Sounds like a gazpucho shot, but with something else intead of tomato