Exotic Food


Well-Known Member
What's the most unusual food you've had lately? After footy last night I had curried pelican at an indian restaurant!
Ostrich is great. Like beef only healthier. My local supermarket used to have it and I'd take it home for making stir fries or ostrich stroganoff. Delicious. Harder to find around here these days (there was only 1 farm in St Pete) but you've got lots of it in the UK.

Not sure I've had anything exotic since the various antelope I had in South Africa last summer - springbok, kudu, eland, etc.
Snake in Vietnam. Sauté is all I could handle.
Grilled grasshopper in Morocco. Not bad and lot of protein.
Grilled grasshopper in Morocco. Not bad and lot of protein.
I had grasshopper tacos at a Mexican place in Washington DC a while back. They were very crunchy... but little bits would get caught in your throat :confused:
My fave slightly weird dish is the Moroccan pastilla, though not had it in a while - imagine a chicken and egg pie, made with filo pastry and covered in cinammon and sugar.
Buckley that was so bad....it was bad.

Does a wangy slice of spring onion and mozzarella omelette from Wednesday nights tea that I found this morning still in the frying pan on the bottom shelf of the oven where Mr BG had 'stored' it count as exotic?
It could've been a contender if one of you schmucks had just asked me about my pelican curry, instead of the serious answers I got:spank:

You counted on us being interested in your pelican as opposed to jumping at the first opportunity to talk about ourselves :lol: ;)