

New Member
Hi all.

Me and 4 of my mates are hitting Ibiza in July for our first time. We are all 18/19 and all love clubbing and music. We are going to be there for 2 weeks, staying in san an. I am hoping/planning to go clubbing pretty much every night, as all of my favourite DJs are playing and I want to make the very most of my holiday as possible, however my friends do not think it is possible to go clubbing every night for 2 weeks. I tend not to get hangovers and have in the past done 3 consecutive nights out and not suffered too much afterwards, so I am confident to do it, however my mates think otherwise. They all think I will not manage the whole 2 weeks, going out all but 1 or 2 nights and they have said they are not prepared to do it as they all do suffer from hangovers and therefore want nights off to recover and just chill. I am a bit apprehensive to go out on my own however I'm sure i will meet other people to go out with plus some other friends are also visiting the same time so I can go out with them when my friends choose not to, but my main question is WILL I MAKE IT? Is it physically possible to club everynight and not collapse of exhaustion after a week or whatever. Also will they change their mind once they get their? Is it what most people do?

Thanks for any help =)
I would say take it as you go along....... I always go to Ibiza and party as if it was my last! When you get home and its raining or you are getting turfed out of a club at 3am you will regret not taking every moment whilst you can in Ibiza..... on the other hand if one day your head feels like a train is running through it, you are absolutely knacked and even straight vodka does not pick you up .... stay in bed a bit and get over it!!! he he he :) The other question of course is cash... take lots then it is not a problem! I am old now (34) and have been going Ibiza since I was about 20.... I now have responsibilities and only get to go for 3/4 days at a time... but when I am there I go to every party possible (last year we reckon we only slept about 4 hours in the 4 days) - lets face it you can sleep at home! You will all have a ball - and go out on your own if you really feel like it - I did and I am female. One year just two of us went and my mate was a wuss, so I went out for the rest of the week on my own. I did latch onto some like minded peeps in the hotel so that was handy - there will always be someone in your hotel/bar/around the pool that wants to go same place as you. It will be cool and don't let your mates dictate your holiday if it does end up like that.
Have fun!8)
yer i got plenty of cash stashed =) thanks - good advice. I cant wait its gunna be amazing =D
You will certainly need LOADS of cash if you are thinking of cultivating your first hangover in a club in Ibiza! Are you aware of the price of drinks in these places? If you are thinking about "getting loaded"in you're room,or doing the west end, then on to the club till dawn breaks,then you will certainly not make your aim of doing it every (or nearly) night....:p
tbh I am not planning to get paralitic every night - that doesnt appeal to me. I enjoy drinking in moderation so i Can enjoy myself. I plan to drink mostly before going out. but i can afford to drink a few out too. Money is not the problem really.
Okey Dokey,it was the bit about not getting hangovers that I noticed, so I assumed heavy drinking to be involved:confused: btw I am not a salvationist,(or the like) Just that if you can wake up the next day,get round and about a bit,you will get a hell of a lot more out of your holiday....:D
I went out clubbing every night in Ibiza in the 10 times i was there and many times even did 2 clubs in 1 day.

I'm almost 30 years old and survived it big time! ;)

Its all up to you and how much you love the music and the whole clubbing agenda - then stemina and energies should just come naturally... or at least thats how it always works for me in Ibiza.

But the most important thing is to have fun no matter what!
Of course its doable. I've done it on every holiday I've been on. You will feel in need of another holiday when you get back though.

Your friends need to man up. :spank::lol:
When you get home each night or rather morning.....drink as much water as you possibly can before going to sleep...like a litre.
Depends how much you cane it. if you're out til 6 and 7 every morning and messed up every night it will take it's toll. remember there's no shame in not going out every night. Don't make it a personal challenge.

Moderation is the key.
Aye don't feel obligated to prove your mates wrong or you could end up losing several nights!

That's what happened to me anyway :lol: (in Magaluf that is, thankfully I had learned my lesson by the time we went to Ibiza)
We went for a week and hammered it every night and we were quite ill and tired when we got back but it was worth every second and you can take vitamins and things with you or something that you think will perk you up - those Beroccas are good, well so I find.

Just try and stop yourself getting run down and ill and you will be fine.
My view on this is that you can AND will do it, no bother, if you get yourself 5-6 hours sleep after each night out.

All depends what time you get in/how much rest you get during the day....

First time i went to Ibiza was 12 years ago (when i was about your age) we went for 2 weeks and went out EVERY night, till at least 4am each night.

If you're not a massive drinker/drink moderately (as mentioned above this is almost forced upon you in the BIG clubs) & are not cracking on back at the apartment till lunchtime the next day, you'll be ready to roll every night.

Have fun:)
go to boots and stock up on berocca and diurelite (i think thats whats its called) mix both together and drink before you go to sleep when you wake up you'll be fine!

you will needs loads of cash if your going clubbing every night for 2 weeks tho! its approx 30euros in a taxi from the west end to the likes of cream/privelege, and you can pay up to 18 euros in some clubs for drinks, then you've got the the entrance into the clubs aswell, its and expensive holiday! but worth every penny! 8)
When I go out there for my week I plan on making the most of it, I'm going to live it to the max and have no regrets when I come back. I'm gonna go out every night just only go to the big clubs a few nights, but then again if I've got the cash I might go there every night. So I suppose I'll just take it as it comes.
When I go out there for my week I plan on making the most of it, I'm going to live it to the max and have no regrets when I come back. I'm gonna go out every night just only go to the big clubs a few nights, but then again if I've got the cash I might go there every night. So I suppose I'll just take it as it comes.

You will need a lot of £££

We did £500 in a week and we had food and drink at the hotel.
I did that the first time we went to Ibiza and i went home paler than i did when i arrived!
We didnt hit big clubs every night, sometimes just went round the west end.

Why not check the line ups (before you go) and plan who you and your mates want to see to save burning yourself out.

Its quality not quantity you want
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I did that the first time we went to Ibiza and i went home paler than i did when i arrived!
We didnt hit big clubs every night, sometimes just went round the west end.

Why not check the line ups (before you go) and plan who you and your mates want to see to save burning yourself out.

Its quality not quantity you want

Sounds like a plan... I get what you mean though.. I should just have a look at the party callender for the big nights out and on the other nights just hit the west end as you say.

Oh and I all I want is quantity and quality ;D.
I think your friends need to grow some balls!!!

Course ya can go clubbing everynight! i thought thats what the majority of people did! Me and my m8s do, and if you get a hangover the best thing for it to man up and get back on it!

Although it costs alot of wonga, it is possible and definatley worth it, who wants to miss out when on this magical island!!!