European trips

Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest are all pretty close by. Did that a few years ago, tacked on a weekend in Munich to visit a mate and go to a Bayern Munich match. Mentioned it in the other whose all going thread, but I'm hoping to get a ticket for Dimensions and do bit of ferrying/railwaying around Croatia in August.
Wonder how difficult it is to get a visa.
Not difficult to get a visa if you are English. I think i sent off to an office in Scotland because they had a quicker turn round than London. We paid a company to do the paper work, think it was £100 ish but cheaper if you did it your self.
Not difficult to get a visa if you are English. I think i sent off to an office in Scotland because they had a quicker turn round than London. We paid a company to do the paper work, think it was £100 ish but cheaper if you did it your self.
Agreed. It's pretty simple as it all goes through a visa service company now. Fill out the form, send in your money and passport.

If you ever were curious about Russia, now's the time to do it as I doubt it'll ever be this cheap again.