Euro 2004

Another good spot for watching the football is Murphy's Irish Bar in Paya D'en Bossa, very close to Space and Bora Bora. They have an outdoor area with a good few TV's.
i would agree with u, that getting to the latter stages of a competition is better than never having been past the first round of a major competition or not gettin there at all, but then it comes down to expectations.

when u got knocked out of france 98, argentina never went on to win the competition.

on the comment about being detested and loving it, why would anyone enjoy being detested? would u not rather have people welcome u into their city, mingle with the locals and have a good time and respect other cultures rather than a total lack of respect and not being asked back.

being proud of your country being the cause of your expectation to win everything u enter is a nonsense, im proud of my country but i dont expect us to ever win anything, except in club football. having pride and being arrogant are two different things.
so long as heskey aint in the side then we have a chance,the france game will be tough and we have a chance of meeting portugal in the qf's,that too will be tough,but you have to be optimistic,i think we can do it.
Marts said:
when u got knocked out of france 98, argentina never went on to win the competition.

on the comment about being detested and loving it, why would anyone enjoy being detested? would u not rather have people welcome u into their city, mingle with the locals and have a good time and respect other cultures rather than a total lack of respect and not being asked back.

Re.The first part of the quote. I didn't have France 98 down as one of the three times we were in with a shout.
Re. The 2nd part. I didn't say that and they aren't my views. I'm proud to be English but having been down the "we run from nobody" road in my younger days, admittedly for club, not country, when I was proud to have gone to another town or city and "done the business", I'm embarressed about it these days. I'm 31 with 2 kids and I hate seeing it now, a lot more than people who've never been involved and that's probably down to the fact that it's still affecting me to this day career wise.
My club is in Europe for the first time next season and mark my words, there will be trouble when we play away in Europe, obviously not from me but you can already hear people talking about it.
It's sad.
noted they were not ure comments or views, i was referring to jnr-j's statement.

i take it ure talking about millwall? i have a question, the people who cause the trouble, are they really interested in the football or r they tag alongs who use it as a way of scrappin with like minded people?
i take it ure talking about millwall? i have a question, the people who cause the trouble, are they really interested in the football or r they tag alongs who use it as a way of scrappin with like minded people

how can usay that that has to be the worst comment i ever heard im sure hook will back me up when i say lads who ''cause trouble'' most are in the 30's and have been going to the game since they were a nipper and now more about the game than u or i now im only in my 20's
granted we do dance with like minded lads who are willing to dance with us all this about women and kids get caught up in it is very very rare
beside not a punch is thrown anymore its just turn up show off ur labels have a drink the the other teams city center then home

Bring back the 80's (im sure u will disagree)
Middlesbrough actually. The majority are trying to preserve a reputation. And I would say virtually all go to the match. Apart from the one's with banning orders. It's on the decline numbers wise, but the few who are still there are hell bent on meeting like minded people from other teams.
A lot of the older ones turn out for the big games, but Cleveland Police have just confiscated about 30 passports until after Portugal. No doubt other forces across the country have done the same so I hope Portugal is trouble free.