Es Vive Reviews?


Active Member
I'm staying there in a week, and STILL haven't found any reviews, even though it's one of the most hyped hotels this year!!!!

Can anyone help???
Biff, I think we already discussed this on hq. Just trying other boards to see if I can find anything out. I remember reading that a Spotlight member was going to stay there last week.
Hi, I got back from there this week.

It's a very nice place and the people are great. The pool has a nice wooden decked area with comfy seats/sunbeds great for chilling. It's very clubber friendly as all the staff like to party too. It's also a bit of a "faces" haunt (like the base bar) so it was cool to see some of the people that drifted in to see Jason on most days. The hotel is quite old(but refurbished over the winter) and the rooms are small but it is clean and comfortable and airconditioned. Things like the GYM are not yet operational. On the downside when we arrived our room had no furniture apart from beds - the but as the Ikea shipment that arrived a few days after us was built we got chairs, wardrobe, table etc in bits and pices over the two weeks, LOL. This sounds bad but we didnt let it bother us and the only regret is that we missed out on the cool finnishing touches - so you are getting there at a good time. I think most things are done now and I think it will be really nice once they are. Little touches like lillies in the pool and flowers/candles in the room etc.

The food is really good too - they have a top chef but it's not the cheapest - we ran up a 1200€ food/bar tab between 2 people!!! Too many vodka lemons in the bar and lamb/limeleaf burgers for lunch :)

The location is OK, handy for most clubs / Ibiza town (about 20 - 30 min by foot) - Taxis = 15 -18€ to Cafe del Mar, 5-7€ to Ibiza town.

I think it will quickly become a notorious place :) I would go back for sure but not if I'm on a tight budget!

Hope that helps and enjoy your stay

DJ Biff said:
are we talking hotel or cd reviews now??


The CD's not bad either - Marke Doyle dropped in with a bag of Promos on like the second day we were there. i've got about 15 Hed Kandi albums so that was quite a cool one for me to blag :)
wfusteve said:
Any possible free perks/ club passes available for people staying there? :)

Get friendly with either Jason(the owner), or Sue (from Ministry) they can do it, but don't be pushy - just because they can doesnt mean they will :)
Just returned from a week at Es Vive, very cool place, the staff are really friendly and helpful, particulary Gonzales who does the evening bar shift. Also all the other guests at the hotel were really cool people. Drinks were really expensive but I guess that is to be expected, the food was reasonably priced though and extremely yummy. Perfect location, a 10 min walk along the beach will take you straight to Bora-Bora and a 10 min taxi ride to the Port in Ibiza Town. The only bad thing I can say is that on occasion there was an air of pretentiousness, but I would still without a doubt recommend Es Vive.
Its a good hotel- most in Ibiza aren't.

Food and pool area particularly good, age group mainly 20's and pretty much a 24 hour party place. Nice crowd, pretty girls!

My only complaint would be Alex P and Brandon B pissed and loud and keeping me awake when I was trying to crash one afternoon... nutters!