Election 2011

Lib Dem suffer crushing losses.

Is Clegg heading for an early bath and the European Union gravy train? He has no future in British politics unless the Tories will take him on as one of theirs?
Feeling more and more uncomfortable about fundamentally good lib dem councillors, with more in common with me and most reasonable people getting the bullet due to the decisions of the party exec :confused:
As it stands at 09:18, with 108 councils declared, the Lib Dems have lost 296 councilors, with Labour gaining 338
Feeling more and more uncomfortable about fundamentally good lib dem councillors, with more in common with me and most reasonable people getting the bullet due to the decisions of the party exec :confused:

Tis a shame really. To survive as a party, they have to get rid of Clegg at the very least. They have already admitted the damage done will not be repaired by the next GE:eek: They had my vote for the first ever time last GE, will be a long time before I would even consider it again!

Perhaps Buckley might be onto something, Guetta to lead the new Liberal Democrats onwards and upwards.....:D New world order, DJ's to make the rules, who would be your chosen PM?
Tis a shame really. To survive as a party, they have to get rid of Clegg at the very least. They have already admitted the damage done will not be repaired by the next GE:eek: They had my vote for the first ever time last GE, will be a long time before I would even consider it again!

Perhaps Buckley might be onto something, Guetta to lead the new Liberal Democrats onwards and upwards.....:D New world order, DJ's to make the rules, who would be your chosen PM?

I'd have Coxy - super happy and chilled out dude 8)
Get a trio to share the power... someone like Above & Beyond.
And with a name like that, we'll be out the recession in no time. :lol:
Always a possibility. It'd be better than being run by the Swedish House Mafia. Things would just become too gung-ho ;)
Update as of 14:56
Conservatives: Gained 3 councils, gained 85 Councillors
Labour: Gained 18 councils, gained 475 Councillors
Lib Dem: Lost 6 councils, lost 434 Councillors
Others: Lost 15 councils, 145 Councillors
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I honestly cannot see how the Lib Dems can allow Clegg to stay in charge. Clearly he is not the sole perpetrator of the big scam. Ultimately he is the fall guy, the images of him and sleaze ball Cameron swapping little love taps and cuddles after the deal were sickening.

They (Lib Dems) are responsible for the biggest scam / sellout for so long as I can remember. If Clegg doesn't go I would love to see them collapse altogether and a new proper liberal party be born from the ashes.
Update as of 15:56
Conservatives: Gained 4 councils, gained 51 Councillors
Labour: Gained 22 councils, gained 599 Councillors
Lib Dem: Lost 6 councils, lost 504Councillors
Others: Lost 20 councils, 165 Councillors

There is no way the Nick Clegg can remain in power after this.
Never seen a bunch so desperate for power, and yet so desperate to get the funk out when yhe going gets tough. Lib dems, like rats leaving a sinking ship for a one firmly rooted to the bottom of the ocean.
Never seen a bunch so desperate for power, and yet so desperate to get the funk out when yhe going gets tough. Lib dems, like rats leaving a sinking ship for a one firmly rooted to the bottom of the ocean.

They were screwed from the outset.

Chap on newsnight hit nail on head, and it's not rocket science. Up to power they were able to play both sides, but eventually they would have to choose one & lose half their appeal immediately and that has happened with bells on.

Damned in the do/dont.

Cameron/Osbourne have played the whole situation like a harp, strategic genius.

How did we get to a point where lefties/liberals are voting out lib dems with glee in revenge for the cuts and the tories get away with it? I mean wtf?:cry:
all these bleating lefties. it seems impossible to escape them.

they wanted power. they got power. but the wrong sort of power. with the wrong people.

they wanted a change to the way we vote to put themselves into a better position at future elections. a position which they've got at the moment and aren't happy with - see above.

what a complete and utter waste of time and money this referendum has been. all it's done is drill home what a weak and insignificant party the lib dems actually are.

on with fixing the wobbling the economy.
not fair on the libs. labour should take the blame. we had them for 13 years and look at how much they spent and how little they accomplished. standard. had they remained in power they would have been obliged to make cuts in any case. why are the tories and liberals being blamed for reducing the deficit? it had to be done, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.

why take these unpopular steps unless they were necessary? it's certainly not going to win them votes. the answer is that tories + libs = responsible government, taking tough and unpopular decisions in the best interest of the country. labour = irresponsible government to maintain power at any cost.

so, as ever, the tories will sort out state finances before labour get voted in again and make a mess of it.
I would be surprised if the majority of the lost votes for the lib dems had anything whatsoever to do with the cuts. The Tory vote stood up pretty well considering, people know cuts are required.

The lib dems have double crossed the majority of people who voted for them. Anyone who votes for the lib dems over the next decade needs to seek urgent medical attention! They have brought shame on their reputation, we all know most politicians and liars, cheats and crooks. Blimey we hadn't seen anything like the great lib dem swindle 2010 before!!! Clegg in particular is the biggest sleazeball in politics, he sh*t from a great height on his own city of Sheffield. He will probably lose his deposit at the next election.

The UK is in surprisingly good shape compared with the majority of economies we could realistically be compared with, as Gordon Brown predicted. I used to dislike him greatly, he did the right thing spending out of the recession, there was no other way. Unless you tread the tried and tested Conservative route of making the streets home to tens of thousands of people, confining yet another generation into poverty.