El Weekend Thread

Shadow was amazing last night - kinda set you'd wish you'd seen in a club at 2am rather than at gig times. Not many youngsters there, most of them (like me) well into their 30s, but one of the best AV displays I've seen - Shadow in a ball, which could open to reveal him or just be projected on. Then a screen behind the ball to be projected on seperately, so it could look like the ball was rolling down corridors and stuff. The music was 'progressive' too - recognisable Shadow major tracks, but with electro, d 'n' b, dubstep, rock influences showing through. No matter what you think of his recent albums, as a live artist DJ he kicks the crap out of most dance stuff I've heard this year! 8)
awesome weekend with the boys up for the Joris Voorn/Nic Fanciulli session - unfortunately it was a bit of a session and I only feel human today - yesterday was a day of vagueness at worki - actually not sure how I got through it - one of those days where you actually have to check your sent box to check what work you actually completed...:oops:

Anyway - cracking set from both Joris and Nic, tune after tune after tune - club far far too packed but loved it all the same - back to ours for carry on and daftness ensued....

I love it when Gingerfreak n Daz pop up but I love it more after they leave and the madness leaves with them... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Ginge - If your reading this - no offence, but you aint living with us if you get that 6 month contract in Newcastle..... 8)
Sounds nice indeed! Great to see Niko out here last week, by the way!

He had a great time, came home rather tired, Moscow is pretty full on it seems. My weekend was awesome indeed and now the snow is coming down hard and heavy so everyone is happy !
Planned to have quiet one...few beers. Well that went out of the window. Ended up partying back at a mates, and then another mates after that. Definitely a binge session and only fully recovered yesterday (wednesday). Realised when I got home that I hadn't eaten or drunk water in about 40hours or so. Looked ripped Sunday morning though haha.

Sunday was spent slobbbing wathching FA cup matches with more beer.

Monday Tuesday meant notm much talking was done with colleagues at work.

More debauchery planned this weekend, got a new female friend with benefits coming into town :p
Glad to see you back out on the town again, Puppylover ! :lol:

I fear it was a short visit.....

I only started feeling normal yesterday - have decided I love my bed too much to do these 48 hour sessions - my ears were still ringing yesterday and I have no idea how I got through Tuesday at work - very little recollection of the day itself and the visit from the big boss(es) - however, I did get a lovely thank you letter from them yesterday saying as always a pleasure to meet with me and thanking me for running the Agenda and setting up all the meetings (we had meetings?!?!?!) :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I fear it was a short visit.....

I only started feeling normal yesterday - have decided I love my bed too much to do these 48 hour sessions - my ears were still ringing yesterday and I have no idea how I got through Tuesday at work - very little recollection of the day itself and the visit from the big boss(es) - however, I did get a lovely thank you letter from them yesterday saying as always a pleasure to meet with me and thanking me for running the Agenda and setting up all the meetings (we had meetings?!?!?!) :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just sounds like you're out of practice to me :lol: .. thanks heavens for "autopilot"