El Weekend Thread


Really quiet in here today. Anyone around? What's the plan for this first weekend in December?

Friday - Tough choice for me as Moscow promoters have gone all-out to bring lots of great DJs to town... simultaneously :confused: Will be choosing among James Zabiela & Gui Boratto @ Gaudi, Audiofly @ Colors, Tiga @ Solyanka or Joris Voorn @ Discodome. I really like all of them but I think it'll be Zabiela & co. at Gaudi as it's the more interesting venue - located in an old grain warehouse.

Saturday - Errands to run in the afternoon, then football, then a birthday party, then another birthday party, then ??

Sunday - rest, relax, cook something big for dinner
Sun's come out in UK Morbs. Red letter day. Everyone's probably half naked by now :lol:.
Opening weekend in my local resort and a complete absence of snow means partying and sunbathing instead of skiing or other snow related activities. Seeing loads of friends I haven't seen since last season, hanging out in cosy venues with good tunes, plus free babysitting by eldest child and food I don't have to shop for or cook, it's all good. Very lucky lady ! :D
Opening weekend in my local resort and a complete absence of snow means partying and sunbathing instead of skiing or other snow related activities. Seeing loads of friends I haven't seen since last season, hanging out in cosy venues with good tunes, plus free babysitting by eldest child and food I don't have to shop for or cook, it's all good. Very lucky lady ! :D
Sounds nice indeed! Great to see Niko out here last week, by the way!

Friday - Tough choice for me as Moscow promoters have gone all-out to bring lots of great DJs to town... simultaneously :confused: Will be choosing among James Zabiela & Gui Boratto @ Gaudi, Audiofly @ Colors, Tiga @ Solyanka or Joris Voorn @ Discodome. I really like all of them but I think it'll be Zabiela & co. at Gaudi as it's the more interesting venue - located in an old grain warehouse.
Decision made... starting the evening at Colors and then got guest list at Gaudi 8)
Really quiet in here today. Anyone around? What's the plan for this first weekend in December?

Friday - Tough choice for me as Moscow promoters have gone all-out to bring lots of great DJs to town... simultaneously :confused: Will be choosing among James Zabiela & Gui Boratto @ Gaudi, Audiofly @ Colors, Tiga @ Solyanka or Joris Voorn @ Discodome. I really like all of them but I think it'll be Zabiela & co. at Gaudi as it's the more interesting venue - located in an old grain warehouse.

Saturday - Errands to run in the afternoon, then football, then a birthday party, then another birthday party, then ??

Sunday - rest, relax, cook something big for dinner

drop me a message re Joris - seeing him tomorrow night with Nic Fanculli - got Le Freak Orange and Daz visiting for what promises to be a messy weekend...

Plastikman at the Barrowlands in Glasgow tomorrow, then Plastikman afterparty at the Arches. Then after after party and location TBC. Monday will be tough.
drop me a message re Joris - seeing him tomorrow night with Nic Fanculli - got Le Freak Orange and Daz visiting for what promises to be a messy weekend...

Chose a different event for tonight (love Joris, hate Discodome)
But I saw him in Ibiza at We Love closing and he was in top form.
I've seen him 3-4 times and I can't remember hearing a bad tune. Definitely recommended!
Plastikman at the Barrowlands in Glasgow tomorrow, then Plastikman afterparty at the Arches. Then after after party and location TBC. Monday will be tough.

The Plastikman gig interested me, but not enough coffers. :rolleyes:

Hope it's good!

It's not technically the weekend, but I'm seeing DJ Shadow on Monday. 8)
Having a very chilled one this weekend after our 36hr marathon celebrating Jon's birthday last weekend!

The highlight of this weekend will be watching my friend jump out of a plane for charity :)
Weekend Report

So, I had a bit of a mental week at work, with a high priority project and a cold at the same time.

Thursday rolled round, and left at 4.45, rushing home to get packed and get up to my local train station to head to Preston (dePreston as my manager called it). Only ever been to Preston once before, to pick the ex misses up from the station. Got there, and the amount of run down in the town was noticeable. Went back to my mates, had dinner and a couple of drinks, then headed off in to a town. Went to a couple of bars, and noticed it was much quieter than expected. Went to Yates, which was slightly busier, than in to Lava & Ignite, where many Jagerbombs were drunk. Stumbled back home via a take away for some greasy pizza.

Had the day off on Friday. Chilled with my mate in Preston, then headed back in to Leeds.
Chilled at my flat, then headed off to Forward in Leeds for a bit of Trancetastic action. Music was great, DJs were great, crowd were good. Still fairly quiet though. They could do with properly looking at how they promote the night, as most people in the Trance scene I know don't know of the night. Gave them a Mix CD I'd done (Wavefront Sessions 013, listen in my sig if you'd like ;) ) and was told I'd got a gig with them on the 6th Jan. :D
Would love to be a resident for them, but I think that may be a far off dream.

Saturday started well - a lie in, then a back to back session of Scrubs for a couple of hours. Went in to town for the German Market, then went back to a mates and watched an epic amount of youtube videos while drinking.

Sunday was spent decorating the Christmas Tree. We have a real one this year. :D. And playing Minecraft. I should really start Christmas shopping...
My weekend went as planned and then some

Friday - Met up with friends for a drink at a bar near home, then over to Colors for a couple more drinks (unfortunately couldn't stay late enough to see Audiofly come on), then to Gaudi for Gui Boratto and James Zabiela. Absolutely rocking party. Great tuneage. Both DJs in top form. Plus free tickets from my friend the promoter, and free drinks in the VIP area. Bonus! 8)

Saturday - Lazy afternoon, made a big fry-up for lunch, watched football, met up with my mate to pick up some things he brought back for me from the States, then attended 2 birthday house parties before heading to Solyanka for a bit of dancing and to see Handsome Furs live. Another top night.

Sunday - Did a big shop for groceries and things, cleaned up around the apartment, got a haircut, made a chicken roast for dinner, caught up on some TV... surprisingly productive day! :) Probably should have rested more, though, as I'm a bit tired now...
Friday night - finished up the leftovers from last weekend in the house. :rolleyes: Glad to be free of such temptations and don't plan to re-stock anytime soon. 8)

Saturday - wasted day.

Sunday - weights, Rage on the x-box, bit of housework
Friday - Met up with friends for a drink at a bar near home, then over to Colors for a couple more drinks (unfortunately couldn't stay late enough to see Audiofly come on), then to Gaudi for Gui Boratto and James Zabiela. Absolutely rocking party. Great tuneage. Both DJs in top form. Plus free tickets from my friend the promoter, and free drinks in the VIP area. Bonus! 8)

Glad Zabiela was on form .. he's been doing weirdo stuff behind the decks a bit too much of late by all accounts !!! Gui's the biggest thing to come out of Brazil since a container of bananas.. what's his style at a party like that ? Way before he did Never Say Never, Pete Tong had him as a guest at Pacha for a night called All Gone Brazil earlier this year. I very nearly went to it to see him play but pulled out as just wasn't confident enough about the vibe to shell out all that dosh for one DJ set. Hey ho !!

Great to get the freebies too.. but do they seriously have VIP areas even in an old grain warehouse :eek::lol: .. those Russkies just can't get enough of it by the sounds of it ;)

Gave them a Mix CD I'd done (Wavefront Sessions 013, listen in my sig if you'd like ;) ) and was told I'd got a gig with them on the 6th Jan. :D

Congratulations. Great news that.

Friday night - finished up the leftovers from last weekend in the house. :rolleyes: Glad to be free of such temptations and don't plan to re-stock anytime soon. 8)

Friday - Sunday evening : a few setbacks meant I couldn't get away at all, though I'd planned to go see Lawler @ Hearn St and Cable after. Had won a free pass to Lawler through their RA feed but VIVa Music never gave a working e-mail to claim it and never came up with any acknowledgment to follow it up so that was all a bit of a con. :rolleyes: Pathetic actually !

On the bright side, some very tasty meals made - mediterranean salad with squid done the way I like it, marinaded in lemon juice then dropped in a flour/spicy mediterranean batter (no egg) and quick-fried for a minute or so in extra virgin olive oil.

Roast sea bass with spinach and a vegetable bake.

Rack of lamb with baby new potatoes and salfisy tossed with onion, garlic and parsley.

.... then ...... managed to get away Sunday night and hit Fabric a little after 2am for a quick fix at WetYourSelf (Room 1 only on Sundays). Can be a bit tired out - and the crowd was considerably less 8) than Saturdays (bad manners alert !!!!!!) but caught a decent end of a set by Dan Farserelli and Jack & I (Art of Dark residents Jack Michaels and Dan Perrin) were playing 2.30-4.30. After a gentle start things kicked off musically and on the floor :p8).

It's been years since I assumed position at the front of that raised dancefloor facing the DJ booth but the place was mercifully not over-packed so up I went - and felt a good deal younger by the end of their set :lol:. The pace actually dropped again after when the WYS regulars came back on, which was a shame as the crowd were clearly up for more. Crawled out as 6am approached - and pretty much wrote off most of Monday as a result :rolleyes:.
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Glad Zabiela was on form .. he's been doing weirdo stuff behind the decks a bit too much of late by all accounts !!! Gui's the biggest thing to come out of Brazil since a container of bananas.. what's his style at a party like that ? Way before he did Never Say Never, Pete Tong had him as a guest at Pacha for a night called All Gone Brazil earlier this year. I very nearly went to it to see him play but pulled out as just wasn't confident enough about the vibe to shell out all that dosh for one DJ set. Hey ho !!

Great to get the freebies too.. but do they seriously have VIP areas even in an old grain warehouse :eek::lol: .. those Russkies just can't get enough of it by the sounds of it ;)
Gui's tyle was pumping techno. At least, that's what it seemed to be. I can not attest to the soundness of my memory. :lol:

Zabiela was doing some weirdo stuff (gosh he loves that iPad :lol:) but it was fun.

Yes, they do love their VIP here. In this case, it's an upper deck built above the rear and side bar areas on the main floor, with seating and (in what was apparently the super-VIP area as there was a second bouncer checking bracelets) free booze. I'd never pay for it but I'll gladly take free booze and a chair for break time. :lol: