El Thread de la Weekend


Sunday.... Woke up late...straight to the beach in Canggu. After a bit of lunch, in the water at 3pm ...surfed until it was dark at 7pm. Amazing waves today.
Had dinner at La sal.
Ended up at Cocoon Beach Club with Louis Vega playing one of the best DJ sets I have ever heard.
Great crowd too.

Stop it......:lol::lol::lol:

Sounds like you are having a fab time. Are you in Bali until the new year?
I saw Louie Vega at fabric on my 30th. Next level amazingness which made the 2 hour queue worth it

I had a very unscripted Saturday night - went to the royal george on charing cross road for a charity gig night - after enduring an hour of godawful indie dirge, these guys came on and basically took the piss out of every pop record of the last 30 years - really, really funny www.raygunslookrealenough.com they went down a storm at the Edinburgh Festival

then my very persuasive spanish friend said right what next? so I drove her down to the tonka reunion in brixton where we caught up with some other people. warehouse scenez using their famous soundsystem. The entire room filled with smokey dry ice for ages, proper retro and loadsa killer tunes like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDMVfFgykP8 and THIS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJZCmt38liQ

Then the police turned up - words exchanged with the manager in the terrace - momentary panic inside (people necking everything in their possession) but it was just a dispute over the licensing hours and they left. (people then wishing they hadn't necked everything in their possession) 2 hours later = carnage.

probably not ideal preparation for my work appraisal in a few hours time, but hey...
probably not ideal preparation for my work appraisal in a few hours time, but hey...

:lol: well done.

Stewart Lee = excellent. I have lots of respect for him having the balls to do a comedy residency with improv material every night.

Worth a visit.
My xmas party was very eventful, ended up with someone getting thrown out by other work colleagues for being too drunk and shouting abuse at everyone (me included)

Saturday I could have slept for England so spent the day on the couch watching xmas specials on Gold and then went to my folks for a nice roast dinner - made me feel a bit more human.

Yesterday another quiet day. Just in order as I have the busiest week ever coming up including seeing Gaga on Friday, cant wait! 8)
My xmas party was very eventful, ended up with someone getting thrown out by other work colleagues for being too drunk and shouting abuse at everyone (me included)

How is this going down today?

I did something similar a couple of years ago at a christmas works night out.
Arcade Fire = immense live. Manchester Central Arena + crowd = leaving a lot to be desired.

To big, acoustics rubbish. To many people just stood there, not even singing along to no cars go:rolleyes:...i mean come on people...

Mates all near the back, I ended up having to go for a mission nearer the front which improved things to a point.

Superb musically though.

Onto sankeys, top night 'Kuluki'; tech house i believe, although really not that sure anymore whats what.
How is this going down today?

I did something similar a couple of years ago at a christmas works night out.

I work at a place where people gossip but do it secretly - wouldnt actually say it to someones face if that makes sense. So it hasnt been mentioned as such.....I got called some nice words though by said person:confused:
Sat Went Shopping for X Mas Tree. Found one, decorated it and now erected in living room.

Sunday went to Charity kiddies disco where we met Santa, gave him our wishlist and promised to be good until X Mas eve.

My head is still throbbing after one of the worst DJ sets ever. Some 17 year old with 500w speakers, base bins, a heavy duty light rig (including lasers), and CDJ'S complete with laptop banging out Barbie Girl, Rihanna and SHM at a mid afternoon Kiddies disco
Friday-Sun. - Fly to Minsk with 8 of my mates. Sample the nightlife. Cause trouble. Promote democracy. Get deported.
Wrecked :cry:

But... what a nice city! Super clean. Grand Stalin-era Soviet architecture (whole city rebuilt after WWII). Friendly people. Surprisingly cosmopolitan. Great restaurants. Polite, efficient service everywhere. Entertaining nightlife. And dirt cheap!
My xmas party was very eventful, ended up with someone getting thrown out by other work colleagues for being too drunk and shouting abuse at everyone (me included)

An xmas party would not be complete without at least one ejectee / shoot from the hip person. I'm sure we have all done it :D
My xmas party was very eventful, ended up with someone getting thrown out by other work colleagues for being too drunk and shouting abuse at everyone (me included)

oh God - I have this to look forward to on Thursday:spank: - free bars dont 'arf bring out the "best" in some people - I am thinking I bet we find someone snorting a line of Columbia's finest along the length of the model of Hadrian's Wall or catch someone stupiudly shagging in the Charles Darwin section (which is quite ironic I suppose) - I will report back on Friday ..... :lol::lol::lol:
oh God - I have this to look forward to on Thursday:spank: - free bars dont 'arf bring out the "best" in some people - I am thinking I bet we find someone snorting a line of Columbia's finest along the length of the model of Hadrian's Wall or catch someone stupiudly shagging in the Charles Darwin section (which is quite ironic I suppose) - I will report back on Friday ..... :lol::lol::lol:

That sort of happened, someone snorting Columbia's finest before dinner. Then deciding to shout their mouth off at everyone. Quite amusing today, said person is hiding in shame I think.
got to love Christmas :lol::lol::lol:

we seem to have a fair few disgruntled employees this year - :confused: in fact so much so that 3 people that i know of who love a good drink have decided not to attend this year because "its a free bar and I dont think i will be able to hold myself back from telling some people what they think of them after a load of alcohol" :lol::lol::lol:
Do the Moscow natives get to the same stage/ state as us Brits during boozathons?
Some things in mankind are universal.
This would be one of them.
(**recalls jumping on stage with one of the bands to sing Boulevard of Broken Dreams last year** :oops:)
got to love Christmas :lol::lol::lol:

we seem to have a fair few disgruntled employees this year - :confused: in fact so much so that 3 people that i know of who love a good drink have decided not to attend this year because "its a free bar and I dont think i will be able to hold myself back from telling some people what they think of them after a load of alcohol" :lol::lol::lol:

Sounds like our place a bit. People saying what they think anyway. You only ever get praise from our directors when they are hammered - nothing gets said at work otherwise. So its good in some ways, not so good in others.
Sounds like our place a bit. People saying what they think anyway. You only ever get praise from our directors when they are hammered - nothing gets said at work otherwise. So its good in some ways, not so good in others.

ours arent usually that bad to be honest and you do get loads of thanks all year round so cant complain - but there are a few people who have been put on projects they didnt really feel were right for them and their careers so expecting a few of those kick offs to be honest..

ours arent usually that bad to be honest and you do get loads of thanks all year round so cant complain - but there are a few people who have been put on projects they didnt really feel were right for them and their careers so expecting a few of those kick offs to be honest..


Space cake would be appropriate for your venue, might prevent any 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT' too.:lol::lol::lol: