El Thread de la Weekend


A couple of Spotlighters are off enjoying the sunny climes of Goa. Jealous. :confused:
What's everyone else up to this week?

Tonight - Why is it that people like to schedule batches of major events on the same night? I've got 5 invites plus I'm missing the Nouvelle Vague and Mumiy Troll concerts. Grrr. Will probably attend a "Bulls & Bears" banquet and then the annual corporate holiday reunion party of people from a company I used to work for.

Friday-Sun. - Fly to Minsk with 8 of my mates. Sample the nightlife. Cause trouble. Promote democracy. Get deported.
Friday - was supposed to have people over for dinner, but all 5 have cancelled

Saturday - seeing the witch & dropping off xmas presents for junior

Sunday - self-loathing
Friday-Sun. - Fly to Minsk with 8 of my mates. Sample the nightlife. Cause trouble. Promote democracy. Get deported.


Tonight - curry with Mr BG to celebrate his birthday/our 12 year anniversary (it's also 2 years to the day when I proposed to him over a curry in the same curry house :lol::oops: )

Tomorrow - He's out with the lads so I'm home alone. Can't decide whether to just curl up with the cats in front of a roaring fire, or to make alternative entertainment arrangements.

Saturday - Out in town for continued birthday celebrations

Sunday - Santa Jog at 10:30am at our local park :eek:

Monday - day off to recover
Friday - work xmas party, some posh meal somewhere in Mayfair then drinks after at a jazz/wine bar - few of us are staying over back in the City so should be a laugh, saves that rushing back to get last train nightmare too

Saturday - no doubt hungover.....bf is out for the eve so its me, the couch, and X Factor

Sunday - no plans, still have xmas shopping to do but no funds or lack of :cry:
Dinner at a chinese on friday with pork lung & duck tongue on the menu.

Sat, big one. Arcade Fire followed by Sankeys. First night clubbing since ibiza, can't wait.

On the back of two xmas do's the past couple of nights, will collapse on sunday.
Fri: Work Xmas lunch then pub.
Sat: Jocelyn Brown @ The Jazz Cafe
Sun: Sunday lunch with the family for mum's birthday. Hopefully get a few pressies wrapped too.
Sat... DJing... 12 - 2...

In the afternoon... My niece's 9th b'day party... not sure whether to plan a set or freestyle...

Will be hiring equipment... you all know why.
Friday: Stewart Lee, Leicester Square theatre - then considering Trailer Trash at the Superstore.

Saturday: Lunch date, evening meal date, possible trip to either Larry Heard or Jeff Mills

Sunday: Dinner somewhere nice

Monday/Tuesday: Hellishly busy at work eeek.
Mr PL cooking for me tonight - fizzin the fridge chilling.... DVD's to watch

no plans this weekend whatsoever - I have a blank 2 pages in my social calendar, but this is solely because the next 3 weeks will be party central and I am trying to give myself a healthy headstart before the carnage of pre christmas parties/christmas/NY starts ....

Hark at sensible me!:spank:
Fri... Beach party at a fantastic little bar called La Planca. A lot of fun people there.

Sat...Woke up not where I expected to. Had fresh fish bbq for lunch then went surfing all afternoon.

I love Bali
Works night out last night. This happened at the end (copied from Facebook):

This is actually true and not a joke. I was waiting outside the hotel last night after the Xmas do and 2 drunk women came tottering up to me. One asked, "Are you here to pick someone up?" Smooth as I could, I answered, "It depends on who it is." Only a couple of minutes after they'd walked away did I realise they were waiting for a lift or taxi.

Friday: Stewart Lee, Leicester Square theatre - then considering Trailer Trash at the Superstore.

Saturday: Lunch date, evening meal date, possible trip to either Larry Heard or Jeff Mills

Sunday: Dinner somewhere nice

Monday/Tuesday: Hellishly busy at work eeek.

how was stewart lee?

it's all happening tonight : Heard - love fever / weatherall / mills / tonka reunion - I would love to be at the whole lot! and naturally will miss the whole lot! a weekend off the rave, attending to less neon-lit things :x
Fri... Beach party at a fantastic little bar called La Planca. A lot of fun people there.

Sat...Woke up not where I expected to. Had fresh fish bbq for lunch then went surfing all afternoon.

I love Bali

I am desperate to go back to Bali sometime soon, without doubt my second favourite place on earth. So similar to Ibiza yet so different.

Any photos greatly appreciated.

Late entry...

Sun: xmas tree shopping, xmas lights shopping, xmas tree erection, xmas lights draping outside in the shrubs. Wwitch on ceremony to the back ground tunage of "What am I gonna get for 'er indoors....."

Sunday.... Woke up late...straight to the beach in Canggu. After a bit of lunch, in the water at 3pm ...surfed until it was dark at 7pm. Amazing waves today.
Had dinner at La sal.
Ended up at Cocoon Beach Club with Louis Vega playing one of the best DJ sets I have ever heard.
Great crowd too.