el ste's happy event

woo-hoo. i'm off to valencia tomorrow to meet her and bring her back!


Wow, what a difference a few months make eh?
if anyone's noticed more than my normal amount of levity in my tone today it's because of el ste's happy event II.

let it be known that today, i marched into my bank, looking neither right nor left, slapped 30k of my former pension fund on the counter and PAID OFF my mortgage!

i really did punch the air and shout yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss as i got outside, much to the consternation of the fag hags in the tobacco shop next door.

And is there anything else you want to rub our noses in??

Let me guess its blue sky & cracking the flags whilst I am sat here with the lights on at 4.10pm and the central heating on

if it's any consolation i can't afford to get back to cold miserable wet england with ba this winter.
let it be known that today, i marched into my bank, looking neither right nor left, slapped 30k of my former pension fund on the counter and PAID OFF my mortgage!

i really did punch the air and shout yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss as i got outside, much to the consternation of the fag hags in the tobacco shop next door.
Debt free now? That is the best feeling. I remember that time in the early 2000s when I paid off my last student loans, car loan and credit cards. Been debt free ever since (although I own no property)

So... is this the first step in the Mallorca move? :twisted:
if anyone's noticed more than my normal amount of levity in my tone today it's because of el ste's happy event II.

let it be known that today, i marched into my bank, looking neither right nor left, slapped 30k of my former pension fund on the counter and PAID OFF my mortgage!

i really did punch the air and shout yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss as i got outside, much to the consternation of the fag hags in the tobacco shop next door.

Congratulations. Nothing like being debt-free and clear of lining the pockets of those obscene financial institutions.

So long as there's still enough left over or coming in to pay the overheads, a basket of greens from the market and the vet's bills, in my mind that's a pretty good place to be... and well worth foregoing a trip back to Blighty for 8).
He's still going back... just via Mallorca on a cheaper fare than BA's :lol:

Ah ... understood :lol: ...

Nice as London City Airport is it's hopelessly inconvenient for those living any distance outside the M25 (or Essex !).

Only ever used it for Europe day-trips when I was near the City beforehand anyway (and once to New York - which was really great, if a little strange as you do US immigration during a stop of less than an hour in Ireland then land at JFK as a domestic flight - it actually works really well).

For anything longer it made no sense at all, not least as there's nowhere sensible to park your car (well £120 for a 2-night trip and hellish traffic both ways make it unattractive !) and if it's public transport involved I'd rather get a door-to-door coach than struggle on & off trains and sh!tty London tubes or DLR with my (inevitable) luggage :!:

Nice for Londoners though.
if anyone's noticed more than my normal amount of levity in my tone today it's because of el ste's happy event II.

let it be known that today, i marched into my bank, looking neither right nor left, slapped 30k of my former pension fund on the counter and PAID OFF my mortgage!

i really did punch the air and shout yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss as i got outside, much to the consternation of the fag hags in the tobacco shop next door.

I will feel your joy in 2 years when my mortgage is gone, paid done and dusted ! :)

then I sell up and fook off...... 8)8)8)8)
How is Raine settling in to lovely Ibiza?

she's not. she bit my wife for no reason - just snapped, literally and metaphorically - so i had to take her back. a long story and a long journey. i was absolutely devasted because i'd thought about nothing else but the poor dog for a number of weeks.

3 days later i found skye in duo, having spent 18 months in a pen in can dog, and agreed to adopt her then and there.

she's fabulous


and has been with us just over a month now. i'm rather pleased how it all turned out (eventually)
:( on Raine, but sounds like you made the only decision you could.

:D Skye is beautiful, lovely that it's worked out in the end.
Beautiful dog but I would've gone with a podenco:

Such a majestic looking animal :)
No dogs allowed on the beach!

They are a good looking dog and great to see out hunting but they are also really good at getting over fences and walls, so not the easiest dog to keep at home.