el ste's happy event


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i've been bereft and miserable since i had to have my dogs put to sleep last year.

all being well i'll be collecting this girlie (7) from onda in castellon sometime in june to start her new life with us here.

i think i'm going to call her raine

That's great stephen,hope it all works out fine.

btw, it was a privilege to meet marli that time.....and I mean that!
she's a beauty.. Must of been hard work losing your dogs..:( , i dread the day it happens.. Best friends you can have.. Nice work dude...;);)
this is how she looked in march when i first saw her. she's obviously much better now, still needs another operation which we'll do here, and in need of lots of love and attention after what she's been through.
I didnt realise you had lost your best friends :-( so sorry to hear that....

However, she's gorgeous and I hope she fills the spot in your heart !

Is she a rescue dog? x
if anyone's noticed more than my normal amount of levity in my tone today it's because of el ste's happy event II.

let it be known that today, i marched into my bank, looking neither right nor left, slapped 30k of my former pension fund on the counter and PAID OFF my mortgage!

i really did punch the air and shout yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss as i got outside, much to the consternation of the fag hags in the tobacco shop next door.