Ekkk help me!


New Member
Do most of the people out in ibiza speak english? Or should i have learned my basic spannish!?

Also does anyone know were i can get a conversion chart for english £ to the euro?

How many euro's is it to a £ ?
If your in San An most speak English, but when we went to eat over in Ibiza town, they dont really speak much English there so try and get a bit of Spanish learning done in 2 days!!!!! 8O
Nearly every time i speak Spanish in Ibiza the person i am talking to says:

"Eh, whats that geezer???!"

So i think that you will be fine!
(even in Ibiza town and the more spanish areas)
By the way - this is the currency convertor I always use for my work (so it must be accurate):


And I should add that its always nice to speak a bit of Espanyol if you can...the locals DO appreciate it and it sets you apart from the usual ignorant English idiot.
S Express said:
Nearly every time i speak Spanish in Ibiza the person i am talking to says:

"Eh, whats that geezer???!"

So i think that you will be fine!
(even in Ibiza town and the more spanish areas)

So true! My boyfriend knows a bit of Spanish buteverytime he tried to use it, he would just get his response in English so it was hardly worth the bother.
its spelt espanol with a little funny thing on the 'n'. It doesnt have a y.