Easter Weekend Plans

tonight - undecided, possible boozeage with the lads.

tomorrow - gardening etc etc daytime followed by dinner in liverpool, probably at Shipping Forecast

Sat - Pub at lunch to watch everton v man u, wedding in southport in the evening

Sun - GF's dad's for lunch/dinner, possibly Circus in the evening with Cox/Carter/MCDE

Mon - depends on sunday!!
Fri: Roof party in Brixton (above KFC of all places)
I've been to 2 great parties in that venue, if it's the one I'm thinking of. Enjoy!

make my way to SW6 for the 5.30pm kick off Chelsea/West Ham. I forsee a few fisticuffs - clever organisation by the eejits involved with the late kick off = Pub all day for most, resulting in far too many boozed up clowns.
Not a fan of late kick-offs either (although the substantial distance generally means I don't have to worried about drunk East Londoners :lol:). I'm missing a friend's birthday dinner to catch the match at 8:30pm my time. Priorities :lol: (I'll catch up with the gang for post-dinner drinks afterward...)
week will consist of... gardening, BBQ, Club, Setting up new Macbook in prep for the 'Big Step', Devon, Shooting a Wedding in Essex, Attending a wedding in Somerset... and relax...

plus a spot of 'Hog Racing' 8)
Tonight - DJing from 10-2

Tomorrow - Chilling with some mates drinking cold beers in the garden

Saturday - Going to a posh hotel for the night with the other half

Sunday - Watching the football at midday then off to a barbq with the other halfs family

Monday - Nothing, nada, sfa.
Thur eve: beers

Fri (v early): drive north for one night camping with friends.

Sat: Home to have some other friends stay, could be a l8 l8 1.

Sun: Prob cop for the short straw and children duties as wifey hangs on to life second by second.

Mon: work
It was meant to kick off with tapas with the in-laws this evening but I've got to take my 173 year old cat to the vets instead

The way the rest of the weekend goes depends on what the vet says. :(

Good Luck Pup Vibes for the poorly cat :( nothing more sad than ill pets...

I will be heading out tonight for Forensic at World Head Quarters tonight - after much deliberation have decided to get right on it as its got a 3 day recovery option tagged on at the end :)

Rest of the weekend will be decided on recovery factor.... 8)
Good Luck Pup Vibes for the poorly cat :( nothing more sad than ill pets...

I will be heading out tonight for Forensic at World Head Quarters tonight - after much deliberation have decided to get right on it as its got a 3 day recovery option tagged on at the end :)

Rest of the weekend will be decided on recovery factor.... 8)

Thanks x

Is this your last grasp at hedonism before the 'rents return to Blighty?
back to see some of the in-law's family this weekend in leeds.

heading to the air london love not money party in london on sunday. come say hi anyone going.
Thanks x

Is this your last grasp at hedonism before the 'rents return to Blighty?

they arrived at 9.30 last night - me, mr PL and sis spent from 2pm - 8pm emptying boxes - my mum and dad do not know how to downsize:eek:

They have moved from a 9 roomed villa into a downstairs 1 bed flat but brought EVERYTHING back with them - I could have cried by 6pm last night - at the last count of useless stuff has come in at :-

Bearing in mind there are only 2 of them and has been for 25 years!!

10 tables of various descriptions and sizes,
4 TV's (that dont work cos they're Cypriot!!)
A bar with all its contents including 9 bottles of random ****ty spirits/liquers with approx 1" of alcohol left in each random bottle
10 bottles of vodka (actually useful)
10 bottles of JB Whiskey (actually useful)
52 towels,
3 hoovers - WTF!!
4 diving suits and tanks,
3 knitting machines,
2 sewing machines
Enought pots pans, dinner services to actually host the Royal Wedding!!
18 table cloths and matching sets of linen napkins

oh and a "spare" chest freezer

and their car was in the container too!

I have realised that my parents are hoarders and that has made me decide to start chucking everything in my life that hasnt been used in the past 6months - 12 months...


they did bring lots of furniture back too but for the cost of shipping everything over they could quite easily have started from scratch back in the UK at the price furniture/household goods are these days!!!!! grrrrrrr
That could be useful. You're up north... not too far from Loch Ness, right?

That could also come in handy next week. I've not heard where the reception after-party will be...

Point 1 - they havent been used for 9 years - therefore pretty sure diving suits and oxygen tanks have a shelf life? :confused:

Point 2 - dont put ideas in her head :lol::lol::lol:
I was just thinking what a rough move that would be... from a 9-room villa to a 1-bedroom flat? I think I'd cry!

Certainly don't blame them for bringing all their stuff back. A lifetime of accumulation. I tried to convince my parents to get a smaller place and, despite the fact they can barely afford the size they have, they wouldn't listen :confused: