Easter Weekend Plans


Realizing that some of you lucky Brits are about to embark on 11 days of spring bliss...

What's everyone up to this weekend?

Friday - Art gallery exhibit opening, goodbye party for a Canuck heading back to her motherland, pop around to a couple of parties en route to Krysha Mira for Audiofly 8)

Saturday - Lazy afternoon, watch football, a friend's birthday drinks, then Arma for Villalobos 8) 8)

Sunday - rest, relax... might have to participate in some photo shoot. :confused:
Okay, here we go.

Fri - Day at home doing house jobs. Eve - local upmarket Indian Restaurant with Cath and girls.

Sat - Work

Sun - Work

Mon - Work

Its all happening in deepseadiverville!
Tomorrow, wake up at 7, train to Whitehaven, cycle 38 miles, get drunk.

Repeat until the country is crossed on Monday!

Can't wait, 10 of us doing it, will be a riot!
one of those long weekends I haven't planned for at all. In fact I hate planning things. I'm all about the 11th hour phone call.

might go to the metro area party but really not that bothered.

have to meet my dad for lunch too, which is usually an exercise in prolonged torture

in fact, I'm just going to shut my eyes and count the minutes till Tuesday
It was meant to kick off with tapas with the in-laws this evening but I've got to take my 173 year old cat to the vets instead

The way the rest of the weekend goes depends on what the vet says. :(
Clubbing tonight
Resting tomorrow
Family day Saturday
Girly day Sunday
Chilling Monday

Can't wait, bring it on :D
Tonight - Dirty 'rave' (well, at the Concorde) up in Brighton (friends birthday, could do without it etc)
Tomorrow - OD on berrocca and nurishment to 'right' myself
Sat - Friends wedding!
Sun (am!) - Fly to Spanish villa for a week
Tonight - drinks after work, friend is over from Oz, cant wait to see her!

Tomorrow - haircut, bits and bobs

Saturday - cousins wedding in Essex :D

Sunday - no plans

Monday - no plans

The BF is having knee surgery next Tues so its going to be a week of nursing him and visiting hospitals :evil:
Tonight - drinks after work, friend is over from Oz, cant wait to see her!

Tomorrow - haircut, bits and bobs

Saturday - cousins wedding in Essex :D

Sunday - no plans

Monday - no plans

The BF is having knee surgery next Tues so its going to be a week of nursing him and visiting hospitals :evil:

You love a bit of that of that out there, don't you Em!? Bad for genetics though :lol:
Friday :Friends over for Lunch
Saturday: Spending the day with the in laws
Sunday: Might go to Lowlife or sack off raving and go to the beach
Monday: TBA
The BF is having knee surgery next Tues so its going to be a week of nursing him and visiting hospitals :evil:

Oh god....thats it, your practically gona be his slave for the whole time hes unable to do normal things :eek:...and possibly longer if he can act it out :lol:
Off work today - Result. Taking the 'rents to see Adele this evening at Shep's Bush. Can't stand her laugh but her voice is stunning, should be pretty decent.

Friday - Sun, sun and more sun hopefully! Meet with a few friends, drinks outside, off to a house party in the evening.

Saturday - St. Georges day. Sun, a few more drinks outside then make my way to SW6 for the 5.30pm kick off Chelsea/West Ham. I forsee a few fisticuffs - clever organisation by the eejits involved with the late kick off = Pub all day for most, resulting in far too many boozed up clowns.

Sunday - Meet with some of the family, decent lunch, then decide on the plans for the evening/night/early Mon Morn. Undecided as of yet!

Monday - If the weathers good, perhaps hop on the train to Brighton. Refuse to sit on the motorways which no doubt will be chocka' !
Aww, thoughts with you and moggy. x

Thanks Buckley. She's a tough old boot as proved last night when she wouldn't let us anywhere near her when we tried to check her out - "REEEEAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" is what she was generally saying to us, but she's an old 'un so we're kind of half expecting the worst to be fair.
got today off so been marinading steaks and chicken for BBQ this afternoon!

Fri: Roof party in Brixton (above KFC of all places)

No plans for the rest of it really hopefully more bbqs and sun