Easter rundowns


Active Member
Normally would be feeling very smug at this point but I've eaten my body weight in chocolate and general cr*p so feel fat, spotty & disgusting.

Had the loveliest easter however...

Went to Dorset to stay on a caravan park. :lol:

Went on two all day hikes across stunning coastland, across ridges and through woodland.
Baked a lovely victoria sponge. :lol:
Visited a vinyard and learned about pruning vines, different grape varieties and wine making processes. Did some wine tasting and had a smashing meal.
Watched the annual duck racing championships in Wareham. :lol: :lol: :lol: (tipped me over the edge in fact).
Ate lunch in a range of country pubs with roaring log fires.
Groomed and fed a bunch of llamas and alpacas and took Charlie the llama for a quick walk around the block in a peruvian poncho and hat. :lol:

Like I said, feel refreshed but fat.
Saw Jerry Sadowitz live - absolutely outrageous but hilarious, sore sides from laughing so much

Then Mr. C at Classic Grand - tremendous set, best i;ve heard in a long time

Saturday footie was average but we won so hurrah!

Sunday, nice tapas dinner followed by a new event in a bar called Bread & Butter (linked to Karbon in Glasgow) - supposed to be "bora-bora-esque" with an outside terrace but it was soooooo cold they had the canopy over it - cracking music tho and a few drinkies made it a good one

easter monday was spent doing as little as possible

FRI: Setoff at the crack of dawn to arrive in Leyburn (North Yorkshire) to get our tent pitched and be away by 9:30am. Didn't quite go as planned but a few squabbles later and we left for the stables open day in Middleham. Harvey was over the moon to see so many horses / dogs / chickens etc etc :) Returned to camp site after a couple of beers to find the gazebo had fallen victim to the now howling gale:eek: Meal at a nearby eaterie early evening where I managed to misread "Hens" for "Mens" and used the ladies toilets to the amusement of many diners:oops: Back to the tent, Shelley slept wearing 4 jumpers & a coat!

SAT: Woke to find a covering of snow and damage to the tent, felt like minus 20 with the wind. Packed up pronto and returned home 2 days early! Lazed around all day in the warmth.

SUN: Easter eggs. Redoubled our efforts to get the house in a fit state to sell before next year. Layed wooden flooring in hallway whilst Shelley spent hours with the steam stripper getting the orrible woodchip off the walls living room side etc etc... Watched a fantastic animated film called "Ice Age", Harvey was bessoted with a lunatic Squirrel.

MON: As above. I cooked a nice meal in the evening, wine, etc...
Really nice easter - altho Rodber, that looked like an ace & very chilled one.

Friday - went to Dunham Massey (stately home place) with mate, missus and kid. Nice walk - superb scones.

Fri eve - Felix Da Housecat.:confused: Three hours of live, I believe they call it electroclash. The whip live etc. Did not float my boat at all - it aint dance music, and come up not did i at all. Until Felix came on at 2.30, played for 1.15 & then he got off. Finished with silver screen shower scene if that is what it's called. all in all a bit disappointing.

Sat day - went on the big wheel in Manchester - much fun, then a walk around the ancoats area to check out the new developments there. Pints in Marble Arch, old schooly pub. Stayed in Sat eve.

Sun Day - footy :evil::spank::evil::spank::evil:. Don't want to say ANY more.

Monday - went to Crosby to see the Anthony Gormlley statues. Really good piece of art. I imagine that with this installation & the Angel of the North he has had more of an impact on the wider population than Damian Hirst's licence to print money. But Sewell I aint.

Then (being a stalker) I went to Formby and found the Moores family house (ex liverpool fc owners). Rolls Royce, Bentley, GT40 etc etc all on the drive. Fantabulous!

Not happy to be back in work, but Marrakech in a week or so.
Thurs - few drinks in Charing X with the usual crew and then headed into Heaven for Bedrock, absolutely heaving, I forgot how many monkeys are out there who worship Digweed :lol: In his defence he was actually ok for once (well didn't bore me to tears :lol:) but we were only really going for Eric Prydz who didn't disappoint as ever :D My only moan of the night was that Heaven make you queue up for a wristband, pay £1 for the pleasure of it, then have to queue up again to go outside for a cigarette :spank: Left at the end and back to ours for aftershow antics.......

Fri - played with Katie, drank our bodyweight in wine and watched Take That DVDs before crawling into bed at 8pm for a huuuuggge Gollum sleep......

Sat - girlie lunch and wines, hairdressers, take-away in the evening and bed in preparation for the main event.......

Sun - woke up to snow so went and played with the doggies in the park, then started off with a huuuuuggeee veggie roast in the pub cos not sure when we'd be eating again :lol: Watched about 4785287 football matches and then headed to Turnmills for The Last Dance :D I'd heard all these rumours about them over-selling tickets for it/going to be massive queues but we got in at 10pm (very well organised with 4 different queues depending on surname), put coats in cloakroom and had a drink in our hands by 10.02pm - why can't clubs always be so organised :confused: Met up with all the usual gang and then headed into the main room which wasn't particularly inspiring musicwise so went into T2 for Lottie who was fantastic. Resumed main room duties for Frankie Knuckles at 3am who was very good and then at 5am Danny Rampling came on to play the last ever set in Turnmills. Well what can I say :eek: In the 17 years that I have been out clubbing the 8+ hours he played are up there with my ever clubbing EVER :eek: I could't even begin to list everything he played or I'd be here all day but he played everything you'd want to hear and more :D At about midday he played The Doors - The End and we thought that was going to be it, then we had The Beatles - Let it Be and everyone was getting emotional :oops::lol: But then he just kept on playing and playing and playing back to back with Danny Newman - I think we had about 25 last tunes :lol: At one point I did wonder if I was ever going to actually leave Turnmills :lol: Finally at 1.45pm they closed with Blue Monday and we reluctantly dragged our bodies from Turnmills almost 16 hours after we'd arrived :lol: I can't believe that is Turnmills RIP :cry: but what a way to go out :D I feel like I'm going to hang up my clubbing shoes and retire cos I don't think I'll ever top the night :lol:

Mon - finally got home, drank wine and tried to feel 'normal' again before crawling into bed at 8pm a shadow of our former selves :eek::lol:

Easter Weekend - I love it :D:lol:
Weekend of birthday shenanigans.

Thursday - Finished off a couple of bottles of wine with colleagues at the office, went out for Chinese for my birthday dinner, then saw Chuck Berry in concert. 8) What can I say? The man can still perform at 82 years old. This is how rock & roll was supposed to be when Chuck invented it - lively, fun, upbeat music. Very surprised at the crowd - I'd expected it to be older but the average age was probably in the 20s. Gave me hope for the future :lol:

Friday - Threw a big birthday bash at the Hawaiian-themed Tiki Bar together with a friend visiting home from London whose birthday was also last week. Fed and watered 50 of our closest friends while getting all manner of entirely random gifts. Got hammered. Followed that up with a visit to Soho Rooms for a bit of dancing and then to Garage for after-hours. Lasted about 3 hours then went home and made some breakfast.

Saturday - Not enough sleep as I met up with some of the previous night's casualties for a late lunch and afternoon drinks. In the evening, attended another friend's birthday party where the guy rented out a whole Uzbek restaurant. Tasty. Then met up with a friend at Just Another Bar for a drink, then went to The Most for Seamus Haji :D Early set time meant we caught most of his set before, after some debate (because he was rocking the place) heading over to Gazgallery for Satoshi Tomiie :D :D Great set from the man. Went back to Garage for afters but was too tired to stand and only lasted about an hour.

Sunday - Spent the afternoon at SportLand watching Liverpool implode and then THE GAME where my boys spanked the Arse :D Didier is back... defenders beware! :D Caught up on Jericho and Lost in the evening.

Monday - Had to work but also attended a late evening exhibit opening and reception for the Italian contribution to Moscow's Photography Biennale, complete with open bar and retro dancing. Entertaining evening :lol:
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My weekend was pretty quiet, I desperately wanted the Easter I had last year (weather wise as it was so nice and warm) but never mind the snow wasnt too bad.........:lol:

Thursday - fell out with one of my bestest friends (I say fell out, a slight disagreement on email :rolleyes:) so I was pretty upset about that, so much so I had to hold a tear in on the way home :oops::cry: I just dont understand people sometimes.

Friday - Went into Leigh on Sea to my favourite "tea room/cafe" and had a nice slice of Malteasers home made cake and a pot of tea, oh how very civilised :lol: with the bf, then went back to mine for a bit to watch my dad doing his annual DIY :lol: then in the evening I was out for 1 of my best girlies bday, she wanted a fairly low key one (are we getting old :eek:) so we had an indian and a good gossip and catch up.

Saturday - Didnt really know what to do with myself so lounged about for a bit, went into town with my mum as the bfs sister had her 2nd baby last week so a card and present was needed. Stayed in on Sat night and generally just lounged, watched tv etc etc

Sunday - Wanted to avoid the football so had a nice leisurely morning at home to myself, afternoon was round the bfs for a little party to celebrate the baby, lots of people there, then we headed out in the evening for another friends bday to a really cool thai bar we have recently found, has a nice restaurant upstairs, so we all supped drinks, chatted, caught up on gossip, took the pi55 out of each other etc etc

Monday - proper lazy day at home, watched Breakfast at Tiffanys (love it) and ate. Dinner out in evening with family friends then back to one of the daughters flats as she has recently moved out.

Pretty quiet, but I also ate my bodyweight in eggs. I think I had eaten most of my eggs by Sat which I was disappointed about. I think I even had half of one for my breakfast on Sat :eek: but lo and behold I got another one Sunday from the bfs mum, & a box of creme eggs, yum yum.
Dull and boring weekend - but only due to recuperation and the fact I couldnt be arsed to leave the house after a week of bed rest....:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Dull and boring weekend - but only due to recuperation and the fact I couldnt be arsed to leave the house after a week of bed rest....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Mine felt quiet and boring but when I read it back it wasnt too bad..............I think just because im not pi55ing it up the wall every week and the pressure im getting from friends :)roll:) makes me feel boring
Mine felt quiet and boring but when I read it back it wasnt too bad..............I think just because im not pi55ing it up the wall every week and the pressure im getting from friends :)roll:) makes me feel boring
Hey, it's not required that you get wasted and venture into dark rooms with loud music every weekend... There are plenty of other ways to have a good time. And each one no less valid than the next. Or so I'm told ;) Do what you want to do!
Literally spent 95% of the weekend on computer with about 2 hours sleep, finishing writing a crappy disseration for the deadline tomorrow which I have been doing for the last 3 weeks. Absolute agony, glad you all had so much fun. However, roll on this weekend !
Hey, it's not required that you get wasted and venture into dark rooms with loud music every weekend... There are plenty of other ways to have a good time. And each one no less valid than the next. Or so I'm told ;) Do what you want to do!

Tell my pals that, grrrr, :rolleyes:

Never mind :lol:
Hey, it's not required that you get wasted and venture into dark rooms with loud music every weekend... There are plenty of other ways to have a good time. And each one no less valid than the next. Or so I'm told ;) Do what you want to do!

I am soooooo desperate to get wasted and dance around in darkened rooms to loud music that its untrue :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Thurs - few drinks in Charing X with the usual crew and then headed into Heaven for Bedrock, absolutely heaving, I forgot how many monkeys are out there who worship Digweed :lol: In his defence he was actually ok for once (well didn't bore me to tears :lol:) but we were only really going for Eric Prydz who didn't disappoint as ever :D My only moan of the night was that Heaven make you queue up for a wristband, pay £1 for the pleasure of it, then have to queue up again to go outside for a cigarette :spank: Left at the end and back to ours for aftershow antics.......

I was very angry about the £1 charge to smoke and they didn't let you take your drinks back in and they took my chewing gum :lol:

It was bloody hot in the main room as well!

After all that I did have a good time :lol:
Friday - worked 11-7
Saturday - worked 7-3 then played in a local bar at night
Sunday - worked 7-3
Monday - worked 7-3
Today - worked 7-3

I've got tomorrow and Thursday off. Going to do SFA.:)
After the madness of the last 2 weekends in Bulgaria and Paris, got the fork out of town, and went to my Mum's for a long weekend of R&R, great food, and a huge amount of snoozong!
Well what can I say, it's finally over.:(

No more going down those stairs, no more squeezing through those dark corridors. No more pushing past those people on the steps so we can get a good spot on the dance floor, no more dodgy europeans trying to sell you some gear. No more reaching for that green laser, no more "one more tune Gavyn!"

Sarah described sunday perfectly. Friday was not far off. Lots of classics, of the trancier kind. Finished at 10.45 with Ascension - Someone Like You.
Not long before that Grace's - It's not over yet, Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams and Push's -Strange World nearly brought the dance floor to tears.

The atmosphere on both nights was electric and as friendly as ever. These two nights will be one's i'll NEVER forget.

Here's a clip of what it looked like from then booth when Tall Paul dropped Binary Finary

Regarding the organisation, I just want to comend everyone involved. The venue was never too busy, there was hardly any queues for toilets or drinks. Like Sarah mentioned, it's not THAT difficult to do.. Judging by a few comments i've seen maybe that super club next door to turnmills can learn a few things
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not a great one for me....

Wed - found out my dad had died which was a difficult in itself but having not seen him in 20 years didn't know how to feel.

Thurs - Up early, drove down to teignmouth to start the ball rolling for funeral etc, met family I had never seen before, very frosty conversations which is something which wasn't needed at this time.

Fri - More of the same and travelled home.

Sat - Monday - Sorting through paperowrk etc trying to get things prepared for the legal side of things as there appears to be no will!!!

Its amazing what death does to some people and how mean and horrible people can be around it, we are going to have an uphill struggle with this one which I'm not looking forward to!