Easter Eggies & Plans

Thursday - TCR Easter lunch... hopefully a nice dossy afternoon at work. Then drinks and shenanigans in Soho for a friend's birthday.

Friday - Really looking forward to chilling all day, watching TV and eating fish and chips :) Then meeting the usual crew in the evening and going to the last ever Gallery @ Turnmills

Saturday - no carries on for me as I've got my mum coming round in the evening :eek: The more I think about this the more I think it's a bad idea :eek: :eek: :lol: Having a curry in the evening.

Sunday - Up at 7am and jumping on the Eurostar to Paris with my Mum. Embracing the Parisian lifestyle once again, but this time more shopping and more sitting in cafes eating cakes :D

Monday - Paris

Tuesday - Paris then Eurostar home for 10pm
Don't use the C2C line but the even worse p1ss ridden carriage service from Shenfield! Got replacement bus service (no thank you) to Gidea Park and then trains from there. I'll just jump in a smash that'll sort that problem out ;)
Do you know if it is all weekend? Usually is. Screw the @rse out of the double bubble on the overtime.

Oh god. That train from Gidea Park takes ages to London, well not ages but it seems to take forever it has so many stops.

I think its Sat & Sun yes, I will have a look tonight.
Oh god. That train from Gidea Park takes ages to London, well not ages but it seems to take forever it has so many stops.

I think its Sat & Sun yes, I will have a look tonight.

Tell me about it! I just now jump the fast train direct to Shenfield as can't take that journey home anymore! Don't mind getting it in the morning as i'm half asleep anyway or reading the Currant to keep me amused!
Tell me about it! I just now jump the fast train direct to Shenfield as can't take that journey home anymore! Don't mind getting it in the morning as i'm half asleep anyway or reading the Currant to keep me amused!

It is actually only about half an hour but its like 15 stops - or feels like it!
Fcuk me after Paddy's Weekend carnage im not really physically/mentally for more of the same:eek: but anyway...

Good Friday - Not in work and not getting paid for it either:evil: anyway ill have a lie in and chill.

That nite we are supposedly having a session in the apartment, this country in some respects is still a nanny state as everywhere is closed including pubs on good Friday:rolleyes: how pathetic can you get, so off licenses will have their busiest nite of the year on Thursday as everyone buys copious amounts of alcohol as if there lifes depended on it, our Eastern European friends might appear so ill have to keep them occupied and play the decks (and i fcuking refuse to play gay rubbish like Tiesto as requested last weekend:spank:)

Saturday - Football/pints with the lads/bets usual Saturday the only way to do it, Saturday nite dunno, possibly rearranging a date with a 30 something bird who i made excuses not to meet previously, she,ll probably tell me where to go:lol:

Sunday - Football/pints with the lads/bets, should be an all day session.

Monday - Probably a write off.

Fri-Mon - After the nastiness of the Trade finale I'm going to Dorset on Friday morning to stay in a caravan with friends. :eek:

We get to dress up in Peruvian clothes and go llama walking :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: ...we're also going wine tasting, hiking around Corfe Castle and staying in drinking, bickering and playing board games when it rains.

While you lot are coming out of Turnmills on Sunday I'll be tucking into a nice slice of victoria sponge or battenburg cake and sipping on a nice cream tea. :lol:
Thursday - relaxing

Fri - No! at Horse and Groom in Shoreditch.

Sat - Sosho for a mate's birthday party.

Sun - Turnmills - I can't believe that'll be it. Over. May well be my clubbing swansong.
Fcuk that! I have retired god knows how many times I have retired since early 90s but I hear one decent tune again and lack of willpower and them i'm back out!

It don't help though having a missus 11 years younger though! That's why I thought best have a baby with her to slow down a bit!! ;)

Only go out once a month nowadays depending on the night or just selected gatherings. Anything on Sunday evening at The Abbey??;)
Not many plans over the weekend because on Tuesday im heading to Tenerife for a week :D cant wait although doesnt give very good weather but I dont care just be nice to get away need a rest as its only 4months until the big day eekkk :D
Fri: home visit from the expanding KangClan. Tea and got cross buns ahoy.
Later on what promises to be a fairly raucous birthday party at londons fancy Sanderson hotel.

Sat: long run and big food

Sun: going to see Brief Encounter. Only heard really excellent things bout this multimedia adaptation of the classic movie.

Mon: down to richmond to visit yet more pregnant people