Easter Bank Holiday Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
Easter used to be massive for clubbing. An old review from me:

Buckley said:
:oops: Guilty as charged. Thought I was in big trouble by that, having popped out for a couple of drinks at 7pm Fri, whilst the current and her mother (visiting from Holland) were travelling back from seeing friends in Southampton. Went, in the end, for the the 'might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb' option so... the full night went -

Fri - out at 7pm for a couple of drinks. Be home before the current and mum arrive back at midnight, won't I?. 11pm - ah, well - they'll go straight to bed when they get in so I can go clubbing, be in bed by 4ish and still look fairly fresh in the morning.

5am Sat morning :eek: - leaving Pacha - we'll pop down to Fire for an hour an be home and in before her mum get's up. Big queue there so down to the Colleuseum (sp?) for a while. Shit - it's now 6.30am and I've just remembere her mum's an early riser! Better stay out until she goes out and the coast is clear :lol:

9am - Maybe she's having a lie in - better stay out 'cos I'm :eek:. Pop down to Fire for a while.

Fire closes - who knows what the time is? We've picked up a bit of an entourage - perhaps I shouldn't wear my camp stripey jumper to such places :lol: , but at least my two footy mates have learnt that they are safe to go to them :lol: . Lead group of new pals to 'The Fringe' a short walk away - the word dive was invented for this place. The gang, including someone claiming to be Sony Music's head of A & R (I'm fairly sure he was), tough it out until it closes about 4pm, before us straights are convinced by 'the gays' that we must now sample somewhere on the pinker side of life - G.A.Y bar on Old Compton St. Later on we head to some other place, 'Friendly Society' or something?

Finally arrived home about midnight (I think?) - the logic being that current's mother would be firmly tucked up in bed. Oh no - she's still up!
Managed a quick hello and straight to bed, where the current delivered a glass of wine to me. Apparently her mum said of me that it's good that I relieve the pressure of work with the odd blow out! :lol:

The current plus mother current out for the day Sunday and took the latter to Liverpool St at 6am yesterday, so fully redeemed myself, although both assure no redemption was required.

Can't believe that my 'mother-in-law' was here for three days and I managed to go on a 29 hr bender and still come out smelling of roses! :lol: :D


So......what have you crazy kids got planned? I'm taking the kids to the Jurassic Kingdom Tour tomorrow, skiing Saturday, and lunch at a pub with a bouncy castle on Sunday.
Quality ! You were re-creating Easter... disappearing Friday to be resurrected Sunday !

Ants in Brixton for me tonight, should be good except for 4.30am finish... first train at 6 could be dangerous.
A few free parties in Brighton on Sunday. One featuring Steve Lawler, the other Max Chapman & Russ Yallop so might check one (or both?) of those out. Monday watching the mighty Brighton (hopefully) secure promotion to the Premier League and a few beers to celebrate.
Lowest key easter for years for me. Usually love a Thursday rave into easter and in years gone by there have been stag do's etc but nothing jumped out this year.

All roads lead to Printworks next Saturday with Koze, MCDE, Jeremy Underground and Antal!
Chapter XIII festival in Brum on the Saturday. Looking forward to seeing Beyer, Dense & Pika mainly. . got alot of decent acts on.

Then Sunday afternoon a session in the Jewellery quarter. Lord Clifton my favourite place.....Monday.....feel sorry for myself


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Glad the op went well :)

Having a quiet one here - although the wine is out for the first time in ages this evening :D

Mum's birthday tomorrow so I've been busy baking cupcakes after work. Holidays on Sunday - let's see what this cruise lark is all about then :lol:
Ants was good last night. Was just right in terms of how busy it was which was nice. Also refreshing to hear DJs mixing on the change overs, was saying recently it seems to have disappeared. Groove Armada were decent, deeper/techy set than I was expecting. Eats Everything smashed it, that man knows how to build up out of a breakdown ! Andrea Olivia was OK, played his usual stuff and struggled to keep up the energy EE had built. He was on last and for some reason stopped 15mins before the end, but then carried on after a minutes silence. Weird end to night
Ok update on the dog.We're not getting cage for him until tomorrow bit of a nightmare tonight hopping around,and usual messing but he knows it sore and is still.trying to hump coushins,jump on couch ect..still sticking the sore leg out..:(
Just about to set off for my red eye flight to London.

Mid arvo drinks at the Ace hotel, then onto a friends going away drinks later in the evening. She's just scored a year long contract on a Caribbean cruise in the show cats. She's obviously devastated.

All a warm up of course for the mighty Arpiar @ Troxy later tonight!

Sunday headed back to Cornwall where friends are having a 'kitchen party' - We'll have to see if I have the stamina for that one though! :twisted:
very quiet easter for me, but much needed after two consecutive printworks weekends.

going to a bar in camden called BYOC this evening - go as a group, bring a bottle of mixer per couple and have your own bar and bartender who mixes you cocktails for two hours.

besides that... nursing myself tomorrow and relaxing again on monday. No events across easter does feel really strange :(
Sleeping after a long week & waking up to seeing everyone still at the events, Bedrock yesterday morning & Guy J and Hernan in Antwerp this morning. Tomorrow morning it'll be DGTL & Awakenings in Amsterdam... :lol: