Earpeace ear plugs

Prevention is better than cure. You don't want tinnitus. Every time your ears ring after a night out that is irreversible damage.
Dirks is right, I have permanent tinnitus. I pass s hearing test at work but that constant ringing is a nuisance, silence has become my enemy.
I am same night wise, maybe wear them 6 times a year. All it takes though is one night when your ears ring afterwards and they just don't stop ringing.

One of our friends has that. She's 24 or 25 and had a particularly loud night in Bristol out with us. The damage is done.
One of our friends has that. She's 24 or 25 and had a particularly loud night in Bristol out with us. The damage is done.

I have it in my left ear, it comes and goes and I only notice it when getting to sleep. The doctor said to limit any further damage. It can be from one particular night or a build up of lots of damage over the years, used to think I was invincible and the ringing in the ears meant I had a good night.
I have it in my left ear, it comes and goes and I only notice it when getting to sleep. The doctor said to limit any further damage. It can be from one particular night or a build up of lots of damage over the years, used to think I was invincible and the ringing in the ears meant I had a good night.

I wear a set of alpine ear plugs currently, on my second pair now. (Lost the first pair, I'd owned for four years, two weeks ago while in a state in Leeds). But gonna get the ACS Pro 17s I think next.
Likewise got myself a pair that I wear now.

Had a few very loud night outs in the past, and had some mild ringing previously but it seems to be ok now. I won't be taking any further chances.
I'd not even thought about using them before until reading the posts on here....and getting a little bit older of course when you start to think about things a bit more :). Did someone mention backs, don't get me started on my back...:D
I'd not even thought about using them before until reading the posts on here....and getting a little bit older of course when you start to think about things a bit more :). Did someone mention backs, don't get me started on my back...:D

When I realised I wanted to get into DJing, I started wearing them. I wear them non stop on nights out. Even just loud bars now. Hearing and seeing are my two favourite senses, I'd be devastated with the loss of either of them
Dont forget:

Turn it down a bit if you are DJing
No more than 60 mins at 60% volume a day when on general headphone listening
In the car, turn it down a bit
Bass isnt as bad as the highs
Earwax is your friend
From what I gather the tinitus after loud music is hearing damage to the scilla hairs which detect sound. Basically the short ones snap first which means you loose ability to hear high frequencies , and the brain turns up the gain knob to try and get a signal.

My friend has lost his high frequency hearing and thought we in the office where taking the piss when we said we wished the birds in the roof space would stop chirping... he couldn't hear it :O

Ear protection is worth it even if using it a few times a year. Once hearing is damaged you're screwed! (Plus music does sound better when ears ain't overloaded)

(There are other types of tinitus btw)
and on that note I'm going to order a pair right now
Had a pair of these made for me about 2 months ago... £160... The filters are interchangeable...



Heard of them as Digweed recommended them in an interview he did around a year or so ago... :)
I wore mine for the first time at ims's night at a Dalt Vila, the were alpine music pro.

I've had operations on my ears from a youngster, and go to ent regularly, one operations has left a cavity from/within the ear canal. It has taken me a while to wear the plugs- through vanity! No one should worry about that, you can not see them.

The sound was perfect, no asking friends to repeat theirselves or music problems. Half way through the night I could feel them becoming deep in the ear! I tried to pull them out, but only the filter came out! I could still hear, and I was 'happy' so just carried on clubbing, even went pacha after. Woke up in the morning and luckily remembered I had an issue with the filter. Ended up at Can Misses, where after a few language mishaps and assurances that I didn't have a cochlea bone attached hearing aid that needed a special...they got it out.

I'll opt for made to measure pair next time :spank: