Dry January

People misunderstanding what 'Dry Jan' means and it doesn't mean you normally binge drink. I go out raving maybe 6 times a year and those are the only times I 'binge'. I don't drink during the week and may have the odd pint on the weekend.

To me 'Dry Jan;' means being as healthy as you can all month. No drinking, no smoking, no junk and lots of exercise. I treat January as a proper detox month.
People misunderstanding what 'Dry Jan' means and it doesn't mean you normally binge drink. I go out raving maybe 6 times a year and those are the only times I 'binge'. I don't drink during the week and may have the odd pint on the weekend.

To me 'Dry Jan;' means being as healthy as you can all month. No drinking, no smoking, no junk and lots of exercise. I treat January as a proper detox month.

That's my plan. Except through Feb and March too. Want to massively sort my health out.
In all honesty I could do with a dry January as I have put on a load of weight. Not been to gym, done very little exercise and drank a fair bit in the last 10 weeks or so.
asked to comment on Dry January, Russian president Vladimir Putin issued this statement:

"Niet! is not possible! you mean in United Kingdom they stop drinking for whole 4 weeks? They are all bunch of poofs"
asked to comment on Dry January, Russian president Vladimir Putin issued this statement:

"Niet! is not possible! you mean in United Kingdom they stop drinking for whole 4 weeks? They are all bunch of poofs"
I won't be doing it Kim. As someone pointed out earlier, everything in moderation.
We also have my youngest daughters birthday mid month and a Dublin 1 nighter at the end of the month.

I'm hardly drinking any water either.
I think it's only worth taking up if you plan on carrying it on to some degree for the following months.
My birthday at the end of the month so I never really do dry January!