
Just to elaborate a little ?

We went to DC10 early on and took the Soundclouds in the garden and really enjoyed it. Love outdoor stuff and always enjoy the garden at DC10. We teamed up with a bunch of Scottish lads we met the night before, they were on the Stormtroopers.

About 2 hours into it we took the 2c-b. We have found that it takes about roughly two hours to come up on us. So just as the MDMA is dropping off, the 2c-b trip will ramp up nicely.

Left DC10 around midnight. 2c-b kicked in about 20-30 minutes after we walked into Amnesia for Solomun. It was really amazing.

Can be different for everyone but we find it really intensified the lights lasers and sounds. Cool as f*** visuals flying around the club helped by the music and light show. Loads of funny things too like people with clown faces and funny glasses on etc (could of just been Italian fashion though ?)

We’ve tried it a lot and really enjoy the stuff. However I would recommend that if youre interested in it, then try it for the first time at home in a safe setting so you can judge your own tolerance and how it will react with you.

We always aim off for around 20-25mgs, seams like a good bench mark for us. Like JV says, things can get a bit mental when you push it too far ? but it’s not as crazy as taking LSD. Shorter trip, about 6 hours give or take. Easier to handle as well, I find.

We don’t usually take it on the back of ecstasy, we normally take it on its own. Usually on a sunny day back home and go out and enjoy a bit of nature. Trees look so green and flowers look really bright. Look at clouds and they turn into crazy shapes in the sky. Pretty enjoyable stuff. Always followed by some amazing sex when we get home, we find that it really intensifies our senses ?

Not so easy to find in Ibiza, but it is out here.

Remembered getting back to the hotel room and thinking it had worn off. It hadn’t ? lay back and watched some cool visuals on the ceiling. Chess boards and funky looking plants along with aeroplanes flying around. All kinds of geometric shapes morphing in and out of each other.

Good times ??

I find 2cb comes up in 40 mins, same as MD for me. (2cb-fly however takes longer and lasts longer.) I once had clouds sing to me; I did have music on in the background. One of the characteristics of 2cb for me is specks jumping around in my vision (not in a nystagmus way), and usually there's stuff going on with light too. I think that could feel quite chaotic in a club! Ha - I now want to get some for home. :rolleyes:
My 2-cb experience was a mixed affair (I posted about it before of here somewhere...). It wasn't illicitly sexual, but I can totally understand how it could be.
My 2-cb experience was a mixed affair (I posted about it before of here somewhere...). It wasn't illicitly sexual, but I can totally understand how it could be.

:lol: I don't get it. Mephedrone is the only drug to make me feel stupidly horny (at least in the head) and MD has the sensual factor sometimes. 2cb is too purely psychedelic - just too much weird visual shit going on. Coke's another one that's meant to make you horny, but I have never got that off it at all.
That's why they punt Viagra alongside it in brothels ;) Makes a lot of guys all cocky and confident but sometimes mucks up their functions !

The headspace isn't horny, though; not for me, at least. This is why I always thought mephedrone is the drug coke would be if it actually lived up to its reputation. And I would never consider taking Viagra with a stim. Can reach a point where I'm anxious enough about my health as it is! Stim + Viagra = huge strain on the heart (AFAIK).
The headspace isn't horny, though; not for me, at least. This is why I always thought mephedrone is the drug coke would be if it actually lived up to its reputation. And I would never consider taking Viagra with a stim. Can reach a point where I'm anxious enough about my health as it is! Stim + Viagra = huge strain on the heart (AFAIK).

You're probably too "nice" to have those responses off it JV. Not really the sniff sniff "line up dem hoes I'm gonna f**k dem biatches up da ass" type of guy !
You're probably too "nice" to have those responses off it JV. Not really the sniff sniff "line up dem hoes I'm gonna f**k dem biatches up da ass" type of guy !

Nope, as I said, mephedrone makes me rampantly horny, and not in a romantic way. :lol: :rolleyes: Drugs affect everyone differently but IMO many people think coke is amazing because of how much it costs rather than the quality of high. I just don't see what the fuss is about.. Coke mainly seems to make people talk a lot, especially over each other.
Nope, as I said, mephedrone makes me rampantly horny, and not in a romantic way. :lol: :rolleyes:

Lock up your daughters .... :lol:

Drugs affect everyone differently but IMO many people think coke is amazing because of how much it costs rather than the quality of high. I just don't see what the fuss is about.. Coke mainly seems to make people talk a lot, especially over each other.

I genuinely think it just makes insecure people feel confident (for about 20 minutes anyway !) so their natural urges aren't inhibited by that. Nothing to do with actually making them horny - one assumes they already are but struggle making a leap without a helping hand !
Lock up your daughters .... :lol:

I genuinely think it just makes insecure people feel confident (for about 20 minutes anyway !) so their natural urges aren't inhibited by that. Nothing to do with actually making them horny - one assumes they already are but struggle making a leap without a helping hand !

Oh gosh, would only ever do dopamine-y stuff like coke and meph at home now and need to stick to small amounts or counteract it with a load of booze. Comes a point where anything like that makes me paranoid/anxious and that's especially not nice if you're out. I went on a date once after sniffing just a couple of lines of meph. I thought it had worn off but I felt like everyone was looking at me in what was a bright pub. :eek: Some people get a real confidence buzz off those sort of drugs, but others mainly paranoia. IIRC elevated dopamine levels are associated with criminality/psychopathic behaviour.